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Everything posted by nefgm.org

  1. Al, count me in!! Priority mail shipping is $8.30, now, though
  2. This week's games will be played on the Classic Gotham "Joe Namath" game board.
  3. The goal post used in tournament play (TOC) are usually solid foam board 4" wide by 24" tall. Only set up and used when attempting a field goal which doesn't happen that often. XPs by field goal are automatic. Due to the nature of tournament play not practical to have a permanent goal post attached to the field.
  4. When are you going to get the Titans in their new uniform with the Blue Helmet? This is their 3rd season in this uniform.
  5. Painting and playing solitaire is what I enjoy most about the hobby. I have numerous custom painted teams and have painted and sold numerous teams using Tudor figures. I did commissioned custom painting for a while but the level of detail that was being demanded got to be more than I wanted to do (took the "fun" out of it). If you haven't checked it out, visit my website (nefgm.org) for my collection of teams, figures and gameboards.
  6. Took some pics. Beginning from left first 4 are all Tudor Figures. Next is Buzzball, Beenutt PAC 12, Various 3D figures. Second pic is some custom sculpted and painted figures. 3rd pic: something to be aware of with 3D printed figures, they can explode!!
  7. Sorry I don't have a side by side photo comparison. But obviously as more detail has become in demand with 3D printed figures, the figures have grown in size. If you follow any of the TOC leagues and tournaments you will notice just about no one uses Tudor figures or bases. I still use exclusively Tudor 67 Big Men on my teams in these competitions but I am one of the last holdouts. Competitive Electric Football has grown to a whole new level just in the last decade. Highly detailed figures, custom gameboards, faster gameboard speeds, specialized bases and more "scientific" methods of tweaking for better base performance. Be prepared to spend major $$$ if you choose to go to this level. Tudor figures and bases still have their place in the game as a more affordable entry level form and as collectibles.
  8. I always use the numbers 0 and 00 when creating historical NFL /AFL rosters. Colleges obviously had to go to using those numbers because of the number of players allowed on a team's roster. The NFL stopped using those numbers in 1984. I also have a custom Titans jersey with the number "0".
  9. New Blog Post at nefgm.org https://nefgm.org/2020/11/02/building-a-museum-fulfilling-a-dream-or-feeding-an-obsession/
  10. This weeks games will be played on a Classic Coleco Pro Stars ELECTRIC Action Football game board.
  11. Download the Official Record of the TnPEFL TnPEFL Official Record.pdf
  12. Just to add to the conversation and restate what I have always said, "Just have fun and play the game." Also check out the NEFGM Library (https://nefgm.org/the-nefgm-library/), a great resource for everything about electric football.
  13. Played my first games in the Tennessee Professional Electric Football League this weekend.
  14. What area of Georgia are you in? The Deep South Miniature Football League plays in Cartersville, GA I believe.
  15. For the most part they are in good condition, a few dents and dings but nothing major. All may be easily removed from the wall and used for playing games on.
  16. Wall display featuring Tudor gameboards from the beginnings of the NFL licensing period. Game sets are the model 510 NFL w/Colts and Packers, 620 NFL w/Giants and Browns and 520 AFL w/Jets and Chiefs. Other Game boards are the 1968 Otasco "Super Bowl" model 500, a generic NFL 500, NFL National Conference (620/645) and American Conference (610), an NFL 618 and an NFL American Conference 510. To find out more about these and other items in the collection of the National ELECTRIC FOOTBALL Game Museum website (nefgm.org)
  17. Yes. they use the Invisabase Cleats that are used in electric football.
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