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Please take a moment to review the Registration Rules and Terms.

We ask that you follow these guidelines to ensure that the forums promote fun and productive conversation. These rules and guidelines are enforced by administrators and moderators, and at their discretion they may delete posts without warning that do not comply. Also, failure to comply with these rules may result in a ban from the forums.

IMPORTANT:  This community is a place to show off your stuff, not a place to sell it or promote it. 
If people like your stuff, it's common for them to want some of your stuff. That's fine as long as your stuff is not illegally using someone else's stuff. Also, if you feel the need to sell or promote your stuff, please take the communication about your stuff elsewhere.

Here are the BASICS:

  • No selling or promotion;
  • No unlicensed products and/or services (see below);
  • No negative product comments;
  • No flaming or badgering others;
  • No trolling;
  • No spamming;
  • No hateful posts;
  • No politics or other potentially controversial content.

We are here to enjoy each other's company and learn from each other. As we do this, we build a searchable knowledge base of useful information that is open to everyone about the tabletop games we know, love, or wish to learn more about. We value a free flow of information. We will not offer a free flow of information in what we believe is an unsafe or illegal environment that places anyone or our company at risk.

Unlicensed Products and/or Services

Let's talk about "what is fair" for a moment. Tudor Games pays a licensing fee to organizations for every product we sell that features their name or logo or other assets. In legal terms, Tudor Games is called a "licensee" and the organizations that license their assets are called "licensors".

A licensor will license their good name and visual assets (like logos, designs, color schemes, and uniforms) to one or many licensees for a fee and often a minimum guarantee of money. Licensors expect the licensees they have under contract to produce products of good and consistent quality. They enforce their rules because the licensees represent them in the marketplace.

Tudor Games is a current licensee of the National Football League (NFL), U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, Kentucky Derby, and others. We also have working relationships with Electric Gridiron, Megawattz, 3rd and Long, TOEPRO, and others. 

Forum Example
So how does this work? Let's say a registered user of this community site posts a picture of figures with unlicensed college football decals in the forum. Then other people comment on how much they like those figures. No problem, no harm, no foul.  

Then, someone else posts and asks where they got the decals, because they want some decals too. They ask how to get in contact with that person or company. Now we have a problem. We will either hide the post, or respond to the post in this way:

  • "We are sorry but we cannot allow this site to be a place of commerce for unlicensed goods and services. If you wish to continue this thread or discussion, you do so at your own risk or you may take the conversation elsewhere. Thanks for understanding."

We play by the rules. We don't want to lose our licenses and we want to apply for new licenses as well. We do this for our own protection and for yours. If we do not write a response, we become complicit in breaking the rules. Once we post this response, the licensor's focus changes to the unlicensed seller. 

Other Guidelines

  • Our forums are not for customer service. We will remove and ignore customer service requests in the forums. If you have an issue, need help tracking a package, or want to talk to the source, use our Customer Service page for Live Chat, phone calls, and email. 
  • Do not post negative or disrespectful comments about anyone's products or services. The forums are meant to be a safe place where people can interact and have discussions about Electric Football in general, Tudor Games products, and other products too. But please, no unlicensed products 
  • No flaming or badgering — writing hostile or insulting messages aimed at other users for their views, comments, status as a user on the site, or any other reason. You can disagree with someone’s views and still be polite about it.
  • No trolling — posting controversial (sometimes off-topic) messages with the intent of baiting other users to reply. Also, please do not feed trolls.
  • No spamming — no advertisements, or referral links to other products or services. Do not post for the sake of forum post count. Your posts will be removed if we see you posting unhelpful or non-contributing messages to our site.
  • No discussions of software piracy, hacking, illegal material — linking to these activities will not be tolerated. 
  • Do not post material that is hateful or mean towards race, religion, sex, or any other offensive nature.
  • Do not post lewd or offensive content, or links to lewd or offensive content. Keep everything Safe for Work, and remember that kids sometimes visit the website.
  • No swearing or bad language. If you’re that angry about something, take a break from the forums for a while, or confront the other user directly instead of in the forums. Also, do not attempt to use any means to bypass our profanity filter, such as misspelling a cuss word, or using punctuation or spaces. We are much more likely to ban users for this behavior than those who let the profanity filter replace cuss words with *’s instead. Excessive swearing can get you in trouble too, so keep it clean.
  • No posting of any text which bypasses our profanity filters by purposely misspelling, using letter/symbol substitutions or any other means to bypass our censoring. You will only get one warning for this, then you will be banned from the site.
  • Please do not “hijack” a forum thread by changing the subject line. If you want to change the subject, please start a new message thread. We expect new subjects to be in a new message thread.
  • Do not complain about getting banned, and do not make another account to circumvent a ban. Do not complain about other users being banned in the forums or on profile pages of other users.
  • Do not complain if a moderator removes a message you posted. We trust our moderators, and if they’ve removed a message, they had a good reason.
  • Users who create alternate accounts are not permitted to post in the forums. No exceptions. Posts will be removed without notice. Please use your main account for this activity.
  • Do not post any personal information about you or anyone else. We don’t want to know your personal information, or any other information like that. 
  • Turn off your caps lock, do not use excessive ALL CAPS in your posts. It appears that you're YELLING and ANGRY when you do that.
  • Do not copy or plagiarize comments.
  • Do not post messages containing images of typed text, especially in an alternate color. This confuses other members who may think you have some special authority, which is against our Terms and Conditions. It also defeats our search engine, which cannot read your message text.
  • This is an English website, all forum posts must be written in English — any thread topics or replies written in a language other than English may be removed without notice. This is mainly because we cannot moderate languages we do not understand.

If you have any questions about these rules, you may contact a moderator. You can also contact us through Customer Service, or you may contact Tudor Games directly via Email at support [at] tudorgames.com. Finally, please be polite!

Important Information

Please review our Terms of Use.