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Everything posted by nefgm.org

  1. Yeah, I wanted them to stay the Oilers too. My Solitaire League is going to be the Tennessee Professional Electric Football League. TnPEFL Logo.pdf
  2. 1967 Tudor Rule Book lists it as $10.00
  3. Personally I like the City/State/Country. GO Knoxville Pioneers!!! With a little research found out there was an actual Knoxville Pioneers Minor League Baseball team in the early 1920's. I am going to do a Knoxville Bears team for a solitaire league that actually played minor league football in the 1960's.
  4. Jerry McGhee Big Board.pdf Here it is.
  5. Backyard Football!! All time center, no pass rush, no running. All passing!!! Just like we used to play in the back yard. Tudor's Red Zone game board would be great for this!!!
  6. Troutbum, Great to see you back and posting pics of your teams. Always enjoyed following your solitaire leagues.
  7. Great to see this forum back. A lot of good information to be found already. I look forward to reading the many great conversations that I am sure will be posted here.
  8. I have played around with the XFL Kickoff rule. Like the way it works.
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