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Open League · 9 members · Last active
Electric Football League for players in the state of FLORIDA. Any NFL, College or Fictional team can join. The Divisions are set by geographical location within Florida between the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. All cities/towns North of Gainesville (including Gainesville) will be in the North Division. All cities/towns South of West Palm Beach (including West Palm Beach) will be in the South Division. All cities/towns between Gainesville and West Palm Beach will be in the Central Division.
Public Club · Last active
May 11, 2024 Thanks for the visit the Long Island Electric Football 67-Big-Men League. LIEFL, NEW YORK'S BEAST OF THE EAST IS A PAY FOR PLAY WELL ORGANIZED LEAGUE and there are no weak teams in this league PERIOD ... The League was formed in 1972. OVERVIEW: We are literally one of the most documented, dated and articulate record-kept historic leagues in the world, with an incredible history. We haven't seen otherwise. Our main mission is to preserve the integrity and history of the LIEFL by illustrating our own version of what we think serious LIEFL "Advanced Play" should look like. Proud to be in the National Electric Football Game Museum, our rich tradition and history features using all 32-NFL teams using Tudor Games 67-BIG MEN custom decaled and painted uniforms in Home/Away, and we use a combination of Tudor TTC player bases on the line, rookie bases both single and double clip for offensive play, and most recently adopted ten I T Z player bases along with Tudor's 600 Series Model Game Boards throughout the league. Some of our bases are historic and more than 50 years old. We love researching all of the leagues around the world, and Solitaire coaches, and how their rules suit them. In the LIEFL, we believe the fun begins when a coach knows he has the chance to collect a nice paycheck by winning the phenomenal LIEFL Tournament of Champions at the end of a seven game season. Like it or not reality is, $money brings great and hefty competition. That worthiness, stiff and heavily vetted competition is intense, so don't be fooled by any records. This was a tough year in the League. When it comes to coaching, nothing is more humiliating than when the biggest trash talking coach in the league wins a Super Bowl. That was the case in our 2023 Super Bowl XVIII when Winner Johnny-Freeport, the loudest coach in the LIEFL, collected $3200 with his Wild Card and Cinderella NFC Atlanta Falcons in a 36-34, overtime Super Bowl win over legendary coach, Ed Viggs AFC Los Angeles Chargers in a thriller! Reality is, when a coach knows that $3200 dollars is on the line, the vetting process to put the best 11-men on the field is one of the most important and intense processes in a competitive League through an incredible game changing annual draft. Our "Kaizen" philosophy is that when you put 32 ultra competitive and vetted teams in a league seeking constant improvement, it should mean that because of the process, NO team is safe in any game, making the competition fierce. That is our aim. In theory Win or Lose, Kaizen is the master of process improvement and excellence. We are constantly in motion improving and testing our draft players against proven warriors in the league, hunting to find the best potential player bases in order to perfect the game and league. The Kaizen process has been incredible. This 2024 season after ten draft rounds, we replaced 66 player bases with higher performing bases through the draft. Now we will see how they perform for a chance at earning $5K! RULES: The LIEFL has strict organized standards. We respect all, but fear none! We may not be the most popular league, but we have enough coaches who are darn competitive beyond the world of electric football. There is a whole world of ballers out there beyond the Tudor and Miggle World of respected coaches who are legendary as well. You don't have to be part of that Tudor Miggle World to be a great coach. We have mixed up the competition with many leagues who have the same passion and high standards for the hobby as us. So many hobbyists out there are still unaware of the Tudor Forum. We feel we have a hobbyists duty to get the word out there that electric football is alive and well internationally. 2024, will be our final season, and 8th straight seven-game format season after playing ten 14-game seasons. The "BEAST OF THE EAST" consists of a solid ten or more highly skilled, organized, and former athletes. Why follow when we can lead? We are proud to ONLY play for $$$ money through league dues and sponsorship with our own worthy international Rules and Regulations! It is what makes the league so competitive. Playing for money sets a professional standard as a hobby. A payout absolutely fuels the competition, and it keeps competitive coaches committed and coming back for more year after year! ADVANCED PLAY: One could argue that REAL "Advanced Play" is when the game has no aides to assist a coach to make a play, other than the Yellow or White Tudor kicker to pass and kick field goals, which YOU as coach controls. SKILLS: This league is old school. We have watched all the rules videos on YOUTUBE talking about advanced play with passing sticks, etc. That is awesome for Solitaire play, but for league competition, it doesn't play out. The coach has to be able to juggle skills with player performance in a variety of ways that are more in tune with live football. As you know, it takes pure skill to hit a guy on the fly with accuracy from beyond 30-yards with that Tudor passer and foam football without any aides! It is that type of pure talent and football knowledge, and play calling with these plastic figures though, that one might consider the definition of advanced play. We noticed in many videos that many coaches do not use goal posts or even the foam football that are all part of the fun in the game, to treat the game like a real game. The LIEFL prides ourselves on having great competition in a high-performance, high-stakes, fast-paced league, with NO-game stoppage for turns or runs, or stopping a game for defenders to turnaround and chase receivers after a play, it interferes with the natural continuity of a play. There are NO timing countdowns or long setup delays, NO calling or announcing pass or run, NO passing sticks, NO dice, NO over-sized weighed down figures or aides to pass in a game, and NO stops on a kickoff to give any team an unfair advantage. We are a ONE-STOP 35-second set up, fierce and fast paced league! Where in realistic football do they call run or pass to the opponent before a play? The only stop in this league is to pass the ball using a coach's own passing skill with the Yellow or White Tudor Passer, and this year's new setup rule of 35 seconds down five seconds from 2023, will impose lots of stress on coaches. The playmakers will rise to the occasion with witty coaching under the extreme pressure of the clock. Every league should have their own rules, respectfully. In the LIEFL, nothing ever obstructs or interferes with the natural continuity of a play, or speed of a game. In other words, we let these "plastic minds" on the field make those decisions as soon as the start switch is clicked! We feel that is what the game is intended for, for the actual figures we prepare to do their job, without any human excellerants or aids in a league that produces high quality players who compete. Sometimes it feels like they have minds of their own, and they talk to us through their performance in which we trust! There are so many great leagues around the world. To keep a league going and make a league great, with committed and skilled coaches, we have a great payout, which without-a-shadow-of-a-doubt, fuels competition in the league beautifully. That payout is the ignition switch and part of the dealmaker and dealbreaker, which has sparked our longevity as a league in its purity! In the LIEFL, these gritty playmaking coaches study the competition, can face the test of speed, performance, pressure of the clock, and they MUST have a strategic game plan that is functional and executable! That is the Long Island Electric Football League! Everything in the league is voted on! We may agree to disagree on rules, but see how your league goes in intensifying the competition by putting the money on the dotted line! It changes everything, especially your DRAFT! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeyYfRedpHQ&t=51s -
Open League · 4 members · Last active
The TVEFL is a head-to-head franchise league. Each coach operates his franchise team in it’s own Division. Each Division is made up of 1 franchise team and 3 non-franchise teams. Non-franchise teams are “coached” by a coach from a different division. Thus every game played by a franchise team is head to head. Non-franchise teams play simulated games when scheduled against another non-franchise team. Each NF team gets a number of dice based on the scoring in their last head to head game. These Dice are rolled for each team to get their score for the simulated game. The Goal is for each Franchise coach to get his team into the playoffs and win the Treasure Bowl!
Open League · 4 members
Welcome to the Electric Football League of Frisco, Texas! This is a great League for all Electric Football hobbyists, coaches, fans, players, etc. This is the place for everything Electric Football- related. We do tournaments, games, base tweaking, figure customizing and detailing, figure painting, and more. It is a friendly, fun, and great League for all ages and all people. We not only play the game, but we build friendships and share our love for the game with each other, and make sure everyone is included and has the best Electric Football experience. We carry on the tradition of the great game of Electric Football that is still alive today.
Public Club
We are a bit early on the post but we are at the moment, a league of 12 not yet ready to play. With the help of the LIEFL this league will be a huge success. We are starting from scratch! Because we would end up with six or eight additional coaches from the LIEFL, this league would feature twenty coaches! The League will have dues, and we will play for a huge grand prize just like the LIEFL does for their Super Bowl Title. We already have a sponsor should this league succeed. There will be a seven game season with 20 customized 67-BIG MEN Teams. There are two existing leagues involved, the Long Island Electric Football League, and the Nassau Electric Football League. Our goal is to merge the two leagues consisting of the popular coaches from the LIEFL and the NEFL to make this league the "Trailblazers Top Gun Electric Football League of Long Island". We intend on making four Divisions with these very active coaches. The LIEFL retires in 2025. -
Public Club
This league was originally created out of the Cincinnati - Hamilton, Ohio area over 40+ years ago and have evolved into a unique league over the years. If you're interested in becoming a coach and live within the areas of Cincinnati, Ohio to Indianapolis, Indiana; please check-out our website (www.theunitedefl.com) for more information. Thank you for your interest.