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Ultimate field

John DiCarlo

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I recently bought a new Tudor Ultimate field for our league ( CHARLOTTE ELECTRIC FOOTBALL LEAGUE ) and after playing several games on it I can tell you that it's a winner. The game got a resounding thumbs up from all of our league members for several reasons...the number one being how well our figures run on it...smooth as glass. Lightweight, durable with low noise and large playing surface it just might be the best game Tudor has ever made. You have several choices of field covers ( we chose the Toepro ) which looks great. The unit runs on AC power but you can also use a Tudor battery operated unit to power it making the game even more versatile .The perfect field for anyone that plays the game at a competitive level.


Edited by John DiCarlo
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I agree.  I've also got an Ultimate Board (but with the Green Bay Packers field cover).  It runs great, the players run smoothly, and it looks great!  It's a good size and the extra width allows for actually running sweeps, outs, flags, etc. with lots of room.  Also, the additional width opens up the defensive zones to help receivers find the gaps when running curls, hooks, slants, posts, etc.  If using TTQBs, though, you really have to work on your accuracy, as the throws are longer.  😊

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John great to hear that you love the ultimate board!

Mine is due tomorrow and can't wait

May I ask where you ended up placing motor (or motors)? 50yd line about an inch from the edge as per instructions?

Thanks. New to EF. The ESPN short about the subterranean stadium helped spark my interest LOL



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I got my ultimate field a few weeks ago. 
Originally, I placed the motor 1” from the lip at the 50. Seemed a little too jumpy, so I moved it so it was 1” from the rail (so closer to the lip). That helped a lot. 
I also cut small squares out of kids’ foam floor tiles and place them under the feet, and now the board runs very smooth. Surprised it doesn’t come with foam feet—directions even indicate it shouldn’t be placed on a hard surface. 
loving the space on the ultimate field. Makes my 600 (predecessor of the 620) feel a little tight, and I don’t think I could ever play a game on my 635 again. 

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Awhile ago Tudor games sold a 2x4 foot board in a wood cabinet with legs. I believe miggle owned Tudor games then as it suddenly disappeared from the web page. It has been replaced by the ultimate board. Does anyone own one of these and how does it compare with the ultimate other then size. If I remember it sold for about the same as the ultimate.

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