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NO Dave

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Everything posted by NO Dave

  1. Yes, and Amazon Prime may have it as well.
  2. Hoolllddd it! If you're playing the AFL Bills, that #34 had better be Cookie Gilchrist! And while OJ was in Buffalo for the pre-merger, he wore #36 his rookie year. Because I'm sure what you meant to say was, "Lookie Lookie, here comes Cookie!"
  3. The art of loopers! OK, think of the 4 sets of prongs under a base like ailerons and flaps on an aircraft, or think about a paper airplane. If I want a base to loop to the left, I have to shave slightly or bend slightly the front left prongs as compared to the front right prongs. If I want a base to loop right, then I need to bend the front right prong a little more than the front left. Front prongs are for steering and stability, and rear prongs are for strength and balance, because it is typically taking the majority of weight of the figure.
  4. This is one of those where you have to watch the contrast in colors. Apply the orange trim and see how it looks. They will either look spectacular, or you'll have the Miami U Hurricanes.
  5. That could be a collection by itself. Look at how close we are with what's available - Bengals - Have the home, need Visitor Bills - Use the throwback Lions for 1960-1962. Then you need the red-logo for home for 63-70. Broncos - Need the brown and yellows with the vertical socks from 60-62. Hoping for the 63-64 uniform. Texans/Chiefs - How about a set for the 1962 Texans? Chargers - Need the classic powder blue number font, and we're there. Dolphins - Need the home jersey. Titans/Jets: Bring on the Titans of New York! Oilers: Blue helmets from 1960-1964 and silver helmet from 1965-1970. Those would be sweet. Patriots: Need the away jersey. A style with the 1960-62 helmet would be nice, but not necessary. Raiders - Got it, but how cool would it be to bring in the "Ole black and gold" from 1960-62? For more, check out the "Full Color Football" Documentary.
  6. Some fun ones I'd like to see - Biggest - Bring on the NCAA, we are ready! AFL - 1960 Titans of New York, 1962 Dallas Texans, 1961 Oilers, 1963 Broncos (orange helmets) 1970's - Late 70's early 80's era Saints 1980's - Black-helmet era Falcons 1990's - Original Ravens, Tennessee Titans, and Phoenix Cardinals 2000's - Bills from mid-2000's (the T.O. Bills), and the St. Louis Rams.
  7. It's the little things that are great here, I like that the face masks are painted. I do that too.
  8. Coach, yes, the same holds true whether your passer is plastic or metal. I still say that using any TTQB to pass is similar to pulling a trigger when firing a pistol. Your movement should be deliberate and pull your finger directly back using the first knuckle. Grasping the passing hand and allowing lateral movement will lead to wildly inaccurate passes.
  9. Also - 1: Check to make sure the plug is completely inserted into the motor. 2: Check to make sure the speed dial is not turned all the way low. 3: If you have played a few games with it, keep in mind alkaline batteries do not last long in the remotes. Get a good set of rechargeables and play to your heart's content.
  10. I am a huge fan of the "Strong" series of ProLine bases, and can say that those bases are as strong as anything else on the market. I do like the Fast ones, particularly the Rookie fast ones, but you have to be easy on the tweaking because those prongs are extremely thin. If you get some, get a bunch, because in the art of base tweaking, you're going to have to accept the fact that you will have to sacrifice a few to get some amazing results. I love the flat strong TTC ones on centers and tackles, and use the rounded fronts on tight ends and run-stopping defensive ends.
  11. Gotham used particle board for the field, and the "field cover" is printed paper. There are a few classic board builders who got their start using this because screen printing on sheet metal used to be quite expensive. The biggest drawback to using particle board for a field is that it is non-magnetic, so you cannot use the standard first down marker sets or passing sticks (which need magnets to work) in these games. The upside is, these boards ran very well because the wood also acted as a small vibration suppressor which filtered out a lot of the high-frequency "buzzing" that is common on the metal boards. If you are interested in building more boards like this, a popular alternative in 2022 has been foam-core. It's lightweight, cheap, and you can paint the surface. Players will also run really well on it. The downside is that it's extremely easy to puncture and damage. I had a short-lived Arena board I built from it in the early 2000's, and ran it on a 9-volt battery.
  12. The Dolphin jerseys have evolved quite a bit. For example, I submit to you three shots of Dan Marino - All I can say is, you have a point!
  13. I've made those type of face masks using T-25 staples. You just may need to cut down the ends.
  14. I had not seen this one. This is great, he took some of the same theories I had and made it work. Still fascinated to see the prongs get reduced to points and see how well they move.
  15. I miss this thread. Needs to come back to the forefront. OK, OK, I need to do something with this.
  16. There are people who swear by using that metal passer as their passer in league play. There is a small group of coaches who will pay big money to get their hands on those.
  17. Best of the worst from the factory - in no particular order: China - The mid '90's Steelers, (still available) where the painters put the logo on BOTH sides of the helmet. On the other hand, their counterparts, the Cowboys, on this '95 Super Bowl edition looked awesome. China - The '94 Chargers - someone painted French fries on the helmet instead of a logo. China - The mid '90's Colts - How do you mess up a horseshoe? Try that batches of these teams came out with blue checkmarks on the helmets instead of horseshoes. Haiti - St. Louis Cardinals (Visitors) - The logo looks more like a "w" and less like a Cardinal head. China - The mid-90's Saints - A dot for a logo? Seriously? Hong Kong - The late '80's Cowboys - Instead of the star, you got a blue plus sign. No, really. Haiti - Detroit Lions - No Lion to speak of, the logo was a simple "D". This is the one that a lot of buyers and sellers on eBay get confused for the Cowboys or Seahawks. I have to admit, you gotta look close. China - The mid to late 80's Bears - The "C" on the helmet nearly took up the whole helmet. What else we got?
  18. OK, let's talk about the teams that you got in the mail that made you ask "Who are these guys?" or the painting experiments gone wrong, or just the bad paint jobs you've seen on Electric Football Teams. Go!
  19. I have seen and use a few easy ideas for this - 1. I have my best rushing DE play slightly off the LOS, and anticipate the opposing blocker vacating the space so my blitzer can quickly move into the open gap. 2. On a 3rd and long passing play, I have been know to turn the base around on my Nose Tackle during play setup. (I play almost exclusively a base 3-4). It's led to a few "How did he get out there?" questions. I'll also keep the MLB on a spin to make sure I'm not completely vulnerable in the middle of the field.
  20. I would also say that an undiscussed benefit of the Uni-Form kits has to be the jersey numbers. The numbers are the same material as the Uni-Forms themselves, which means these numbers have a quality that the old numbers never had - flexibility. I think these new numbers have enough elasticity to round the edges, and the colors are very vibrant. Oh, and they are still pre-cut for the front, back, and shoulders. I'd like to propose that the Uni-Forms jersey numbers may need to be sold separately because what happens when your favorite players start chasing teams?
  21. I tell you, when I tested these and as I use them now, there's a few things that stay consistent - 1. The typical time it takes for me to paint a figure and apply logos - 20 to 25 minutes per figure I can have a figure fully dressed with Uni-Forms in around 15 minutes, and that's with taking my time. 2. The decals are forgiving if you need to remove and re-apply. 3. I don't have to worry about keeping a lot of painting stuff around. I see I may have to do some touch-ups, and a nice clear coat should seal the deal once they're done.
  22. Up to your choice of style, you might have to eyeball it. However, from the sock decals I've previously used from this, I've had success without having to get the scissors.
  23. Saw all the new Uni-Forms options, and have a few questions - First off, gotta say the throwback Eagles and throwback Seahawks look amazing. Hope they look as good IRL as they do on the website. So a few questions - 1. You have only the Home available for the Classic Eagles and Seahawks. Will we see the Away version? 2. You released a whopping 3 alternate Uni-Forms for the Browns, Bengals, and Seahawks. Where's the love for some other teams that habitually change their uniforms, like the Falcons and the Ravens? 3. Please, please produce the Uni-Forms for the Classic Bills (Home) and Patriots (Visitor). Pretty please? (See, now it's a question) 4. Long shot - When can we look to see the new Commanders Uni-Forms hit the shelves, so to speak? Thanks!
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