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NO Dave

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Everything posted by NO Dave

  1. Based on my unofficial market research and discussions with former ownership, here's the Top 5 selling and lowest 5 selling teams (by my estimation, and in no particular order)- Best - 1. Cowboys 2. Steelers 3. Packers 4. Chiefs 5. 49ers Worst - 1. Texans 2. Panthers 3. Jaguars 4. Bills 5. Titans
  2. For those with the Horse Racing Game, are you turning it on today?
  3. Here's my Late 70's era Saints for a tournament in September. Training camp starts soon.
  4. Yep, I'll be there. I'm just trying to keep posts about players using the Uni-Forms product separate from those who are using Bennett decals. I understood the subject of your post was a team that had been created using decals. The fact that you brought bases into this discussion was of little concern.
  5. I'm moving this thread to "Figure Painting". No Uni-Forms here.
  6. Lead tape, fun-tak, or metals nuts and washers. We got some good ideas on here, have a look around.
  7. I've added this to the Event Calendar.
  8. until
    Major Announcement: TUDOR-CON 2024 will be April 19-21 at the Embassy Suites in Murfreesboro, TN. What is TUDOR-CON? It is a celebration of electric football with a tournament and exhibits going on all weekend! Come enjoy a weekend of the greatest hobby in the world! We will be posting tournament and event details throughout this week with a link to the hotel reservations. For now, SAVE THE DATE - April 19-21. I personally want to thank everyone for supporting this hobby! I look forward to seeing coaches that I haven’t seen in forever and meeting new coaches from all around the United States. Make your plans now to attend. You don’t want to miss this event! Bryan Nutt Tudor Games
  9. That was included with the Red Zone Electric Football game! Sorry, no longer available.
  10. By the enclosed rules, yes. Another way to do it is to allow the receiver to either pivot to make the catch, or use the pivot to run after the catch.
  11. Well wait, surely someone has painted some of these teams? Who's got them? Come on!
  12. The waterslide numbers are nice, but they are comparably small because they only have to fit the smaller standard Tudor figures instead of the PAC-12 figures who are closer in size to '67 Big Men.
  13. T43: ITZ CL-2's and Blitz's were meant for easier tweaking. The prongs are way softer, and only require a light touch. Pro Lines were, by their original introduction, "bases for the advanced tweaker and hobbyist" (from Miggle Toys). The round front strong TTC's are still some of the best bases for a tight end, defensive end, or a power running back. You can go for a nice balance of speed and strength. The "fast" series with the thin prongs have potential, but you have to trim down the long gossamer-strand like prongs to make them run well.
  14. Tudor's ProLine brand of bases are a strong line in their own right, but stand to be completely overshadowed by the ITZ lines. Previous ownership groups had no idea how to effectively market what they had. Pro Line figures were supposed to be incorporated into the Fab 5 painted teams, but that didn't happen when China wouldn't release the figure molds when the company transferred back to Tudor from Miggle Toys. That's also why there was nothing else done with the new 67 Big Men and Classic Quarterbacks. The Fab 5 figures currently sold are the only line that still had molds from USA. Tudor could sent their products light years forward if they evolved the painted figure product line past Fab 5's. I envisioned something like "Free Agents" where you could purchase small blister packs of 3-5 painted specialty figures for your particular team. The idea was poo-pooed twice. I see pros and cons to both brands, and the ProLines biggest con is that they need a lot of tweaking. I hope this doesn't lead to the Tudor brands being deactivated in favor of the ITZ product offerings.
  15. As a follow-up, the Throwback Electric Football Tournament took place this past weekend in Monticello, Florida, just outside of Tallahassee. The Moores were excellent hosts, and set up a one-of-a-kind double elimination tournament where you played full 32-play games. The tournament featured ten teams with coaches ranging in age from late teens to early sixties. These coaches got smart to the game quickly, and there were several contests that went into overtime. The event was a brilliant success, and can't wait for the next one. I posted a few pics here, and I can go on Facebook for more. Big takeaway - Passing. Coaches catch on quick to this game, and the only X-factor is the ability to pass. If my passing would not have been top-notch, I would not have won. People would stop what they were doing to watch me flick that little ball off the TTQB and hit passes all over the field. NO Dave's Saints won the day with two sets of Haiti Repro's, some well-tweaked bases, and precision TTQB passing. My biggest charge out of the event wasn't the win, but to hear all the coaches talk about the fun they had, how they all did better than they thought they would, and that people stayed until after the Super Bowl to cheer and congratulate all the coaches in the event. I even had a few coaches getting really good at TTQB passing. Thanks again to Bart and Jennifer Moore, and all fellow coaches, for a great event! IMG_0127.HEIC IMG_0121.HEIC IMG_0128.HEIC IMG_0126.HEIC
  16. Any invisibases will work for the horses. Also, make sure to put a little lead tape under the base plate of the horse. That will allow the horse to round the curves and not tip over.
  17. It's a shame that these rules have to included for a children's game, but sadly, here we are. I've had to calm down shouting matches, and ask people to leave the facility. I've had to break up a potential fist fight. Again, a coach with too much spirit in him. I've had to deal with coaches who have gotten drunk and unruly during the course of a game. I had a coach who wanted to mount and light rainbow sparklers on a game board so his players could run under them, and then got mad when I said "No". We were playing at someone else's house. I had a coach insist on using a magnifier visor to pass when playing his games, and tried to argue that it was the same as eyeglasses. This is the same coach who wanted to use a foam football that was roughly the size of a marble when passing, because he had glued 4 Saturn Footballs together. This coach also wanted to use a modified TTQB that had 3 inches of mounting tape stuck under it. Yes, quite larger than the standard size EF football or TTQB. When I didn't allow it, he went on social media and blasted me for it. I went to one coach's house for games and noticed exposed wiring (as in bare copper) on working boards with children present. I can totally see spectator interference being a thing, I've heard some silly stuff muttered at me within earshot when I would officiate tournament games. I've seen games where several people would jump up and holler when the coach they were rooting for would score, and would do this in the middle of a tournament area, interfering with other games! I wouldn't say we need bouncers, but I'd highly recommend any non-solitaire league in this day and age should have a Code of Conduct.
  18. The other "Fantasy League" that we tried was an All-Time Player League. You could pick any NFL player from any era to be on your team, and you had the standard 16-"player" roster that is typical of Fantasy Football teams. The only catch was, once a player was drafted, that was it, he was out of the pool. So you couldn't have 3 teams with Joe Montana playing QB, or 2 teams with the '85 Bears Defense, for example. I thought that was a neat concept just to see who everyone would pick.
  19. All right - Let's get into this - Photo 1: The beginnings of the Jefferson-Orleans EFL, circa 2004. We played in a wedding hall outside of New Orleans, and we had a good thing going. We were set to have 12 coaches to start the 2005 season, and then Katrina hit. We never again had more than 8 coaches in a season. Photo 2: My first JO Bowl win, 2006: I had the Cardinals and beat a very good Bears team on a Field Goal on the final play. Photo 3: Tudor Con 14: one of several national tournaments that I got to officiate. Photo 4: Scene from the championship game of that tournament. I'm on the far right in stripes. Photo 5: Promo for the local league. We had about 25 coaches through our doors in our 14-year existence. Photo 6: JO Bowl X, 2016: the third of my championship wins. Photo 7: The old league logo - my design, refined by Weirdwolf Photo 8: The local news story - we did a few of these for the local TV stations. Photo 9: Iconic photo from the Miggle Toys Tournament in 2008. 63 coaches, all NCAA rules. Jim Davis won the day on a 2-point conversion over Norbert Revels. Photo 10: From JO Bowl IX, 2015, the second of my championship wins. It's been a run. This hobby means more when you do more. Go out and meet the community.
  20. A little background - If you remember, Miggle toys had produced a line of NCAA figures. The "Irish Babies" were Miggle's Notre Dame, because the Fighting Irish would not give MIggle a license to use the name. I had asked the Landsmans and Doug about producing a line of "Fantasy Teams" in the style that Ravenna Al describes, and neither went for it. I think both teams have sold steadily over time, and it's still worth considering for a "league" that EF can own without paying a royalty, and have in case things don't work out with other leagues.
  21. NO Dave

    80s bases

    Those are awesome! You can mash those back prongs with impunity! They'll get really wide and flat! Yes, and strong. Now the front - Here's where you might have to get a little "mad scientist". Those front prongs by themselves bring down the whole base. But, you can do one of two things - Apply a light squeeze to the front prongs, sand down the flashing on the edges, and give them a go. Or - replace the green dial with some extra white TTC dials you may have sitting around. You may have a great base. I have a great one on my Doug Atkins figure. That base can push ProLines.
  22. I thought about adding a passing and kicking competition.
  23. I have been watching "Forged in Fire" on the History Channel. It got me thinking, this could be the concept for an Electric Football-type reality show. Working title: "Tweaked". I know someone has a better idea for a name. The show starts with 4 contestants. Round 1: The Speed test Each contestant will tweak 5 bases of various types for speed in a studio environment where all tools and materials are provided. There will be 5 "sprints" (one for each base) between the 4 contestants. Contestants receive 2 points for a win, 1 point for second, and 0 for third. The contestant with the lowest score at the end of Round 1 is eliminated. Round 2: The Strength Test Each contestant will tweak 5 bases of various types for strength in a studio environment where all tools and materials are provided. There will be 5 "sprints" (one for each base) between the 3 contestants. Figures will have to move weights of increasing mass across an electric football field. Contestants receive 2 points for a win, 1 point for second, and 0 for third. The contestant with the lowest score at the end of Rounds 1 and 2 is eliminated. Round 3: Head to Head The remaining 2 contestants are given 2 bags of painted Fab 5 figures and an appropriate amount of bases. Contestants must use the bases provided and have 24 hours to tweak an offense and defense. At the end of the 24-hour period, the two contestants play an abbreviated game. Winner takes the top prize of "Tweaked Champion". Thoughts?
  24. I use the flat side of an X-acto knife. I'm with you, that's tricky.
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