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How do you create loopers?

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Hello all...first post here...gonna be setting up my solitaire league real soon, and I had a question

How do you go about making loopers to up the ante on defense and make pass attempts more 'interesting'?

I've watched lots of videos that feature loopers, and wanted to know if there was a method for creating them

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Loopers are DE's that "loop" in from the outsides of the defensive line around the offensive line towards the QB (Usually a stand still lined up 15 yards behind the line of scrimmage or QB fading back from the line of scrimmage). To create them, the bases are tweaked to make a wide sweeping right or left turn. They should also be tweaked to run fast. They should converge on a point 15 - 20 yards behind the line of scrimmage.  

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On 4/10/2021 at 3:55 PM, Ravenna Al said:

Easy, send me bases to tweak that you want to go straight. I guarantee every one will loop. 🤪

LOL, I do that same thing... a lot.


back the O.P., you can use a dial base and get the turn you want (Or do not want) or as you tweak the base for the player(s) you want to be a looper, if one side on the prongs is longer than the other they will naturally turn. This does not apply to the invisibase strong bases and I have not used the fast ones enough to help on those.


Good luck and have fun.


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The art of loopers! OK, think of the 4 sets of prongs under a base like ailerons and flaps on an aircraft, or think about a paper airplane. 

If I want a base to loop to the left, I have to shave slightly or bend slightly the front left prongs as compared to the front right prongs. 

If I want a base to loop right, then I need to bend the front right prong a little more than the front left. 

Front prongs are for steering and stability, and rear prongs are for strength and balance, because it is typically taking the majority of weight of the figure. 



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The simplest way to make a looper is to remember for the base to go right the prongs on the right must be shorter.  Then for the base to go left the prongs on the left must be shorter.  You can bend the prongs backward to make them shorter or which might be a better solution.  Pull or flatten out to prongs that you want longer. 

Here's a summation of what was included in the Tudor Rules book in the late 60's:

A base’s speed or strength maybe increased or decreased by either brushing the prongs forward or to the rear.  For speed the pongs should be positioned straight but angled back ever so slightly.  To get more strength they should be brushed backwards.

If you want a base to turn in an arc, brush the prongs back on the opposite side you want it to turn.  Then brush the other legs forward.  For example to make the base turn right, brush the left prongs back and the right prongs forward.  Just do the opposite if you want the base to go left.

If a base is running in a circle and you want it to run straight.  Brush the legs back on the side which it is turning and brush the legs forward on the opposite side.  An example of this would be if the base is circling right.  Brush the right prongs back and the left prongs forward on the opposite side.

The same rule can apply to a base that veers hard to the right.  Lightly brush the prongs on the right side back and lightly brush the left prongs forward.

It seems that very few ever read these tips.


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Step one: Decide which figures will be your loopers.

Step two:  Before adjusting any base try running several on each looper and keep the ones that already naturally turn in the desired direction.

Step Three: begin fine tuning your base by tweeking it.  You can find lits of videos on proper tweeking technics.

As many coaches above have mentioned the TTC base is the preferred base as this allows you to make adjustments during a game merely by turning the dial.  
However, I do have many teams using regular bases for loopers as they are were fast and turned correctly.  They can be adjusted in the game by adjusting the angle you set them or if necessary by brushing the prongs with your finger.

I also prefer my looper bases to have rounded fronts as this helps them slip passed pesky blockers.

Edited by Coach Shawn
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