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Everything posted by nefgm.org

  1. Just the distances. I still line up the teams for the field goal and run the board for 2-3 seconds to give the defense the opportunity to block the kick by running a player of the defense into the holder or kicker. The distances on the Kickoff cards range from 30 to 73 yards. So measuring from the spot of the kick (usually 7-8 yards behind the line of scrimmage) it is possible to kick a field goal from the offenses' 37 yard line to the defenses' 20 yard line. If the field goal attempt is from inside the 20 it is good unless blocked by the defense.
  2. Cool!! Never knew about that blog. I like the team uniform. Which means now I am gonna have to come up a new team for the postal league.
  3. I am working on that. In the meantime here are some pics from an Onside kick seguence. The cards are only for placing the ball on the field. You line up your teams and proceed with the play however your rules specify. In this particular onside kick play. I line up the teams 15 yards apart and flip the switch on for a guick 1 second. Then flip up a card from the "ONSIDE KICK" deck, revealing an 8 yd distance from the kicking team's restraining line and near the left side line. I then place the ball on the field as indicted. I then turn the switch on and the player of the team that first touches the ball recovers the kick. Hard to see where the ball is I know. On this particular play, the ball was simultaneously recoverd by a player of the kicking team and receiving team thus giving the ball to the receiving team at the spot of the recovery. I follow the rules of the NFL for all my game play as much as possible. Technically the kick was a short kick, since it did not travel 10yards and would have been given to the receiving team anyway since it is illegal for a player of the kickng team to touch the ball before it has traveled 10 yards. The cards are FOR PLACEMENT OF THE BALL ONLY. with the Onside Kick cards there are only 5 possible placements and to one side of the field. So you know which side of the field to line up your teams to ahead of the kick. A 51 card deck of the kicking cards,consist of 19 KICKOFF, 19 PUNT, 5 PUNT from Inside Midfield, and 5 ONISDE KICK sub decks and 3 Instructional cards. I also use the distances from the "KICKOFF" cards to determine the success of Field Goal attempts and PAT kicks. Hopefully this will help some to explain how they are used. Like I said, I am working on a video. Put it will only consist of a stop action photo sequence like the above for each sub deck of the cards and the optional Field Goal and PAT results. If you have any other questions then please send me an email at nefgm2019@gmail.com. Thanks.
  4. Well .... since you asked!!! Increasing awareness of The National Electric Football Game Museum (nefgm.org) and its purpose and mission to "preserve the history, memories, technological advances and artistry of the game of electric football" and to "preserve the history of the game by creating a facility to house and showcase the collections of the groups and individuals that play the game, the memories of the coaches who play the game, the technology of the game and the artistry of the game" Working on and completing the several display projects that are in progress with the NEFGM including the temporary home of the NEFGM (in the bonus room "ELECTRIC FOOTBALL GAME ROOM Gallery" of my house), a traveling Museum exhibit, and a commissioned LEGO Stadium Surround replica of Vanderbilt University's Dudley Field. Playing more electric football competitively in the local Music City EFL (Nashville, TN) and in the Tournament of Champions (TOC - National Circuit of Electric Football Competitions) and continuing my TnPEFL Solitaire League. Just a "FEW" of the things I am working on, LOL!!!
  5. For the "Troutbum"??? Absolutely Ray!!!
  6. Nice solution!! hope it works out good.
  7. nefgm.org

    New field

    Awesome!! Nice looking game!!
  8. Check out this section of the National ELECTRIC FOOTBALL Game Museum's NEFGM Library. Tudor Games Toy Fair Products Catalogs – The National Electric Football Game Museum (nefgm.org)
  9. Mark Kistner does some excellent reproductions. That's one possible alternative.
  10. MINE TOO!!! Don't worry about the Facebook page. I am taking care of that. In the process of doing a post on the Museum website that will be shared on facebook.
  11. WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! AND WOW!!! Awesome Game Report!!! AND an all-time classic Super Bowl Half Time Show!!! I actually stopped reading the article to watch the performance by LADY GAGA!!. I almost never watch the halftime show. (Usually playing electric football with a friend that comes to my house every year to watch the Super Bowl) Great Season and CONGRATULATIONS to Coach Viggs and the Packers!!!
  12. TnPEFL Official Record.pdf 55 pages updated throufh the Semi Final Games just completed.
  13. 12262020 Semi Final Game 2 Bears v Southmen.pdf
  14. I have already completed 3 quarters of this game between the Knoxville Bears and the Memphis Southmen. Anyone Venture to take a guess at the score and make a prediction of the final outcome of this game? I will only say this: the Southmen are struggling to win this game and keep their undeafted season going. Time for some trivia - If you haven't noticed the mascots for both these teams are "bears". Knoxville,TN the largest city in the region of East Tennessee, sits at the foothills of the Great Smokey Mountains. This area is home to a large population of black bears. Memphis, TN is the largest city in the region of West Tennessee and a major port city along the route of the Mississipi River. The mascot of the Southmen is the Amercian Grizzly Bear. The Southmen are sometimes called the "Grizzlies". One of the original franchises of the 1974-75 World Football League (WFL) they were originally slated to play in Canada as the Toronto Northmen, and featured a Polar Bear as their mascot, but due to legislation introduced, but not passed, by the Canadian parliment in 1974 banning American Football franchises from playing in Canada, the Northmen moved south to become the Southmen. The TnPEFL is largely modeled after the Southern Football League of 1965. which also featured 6 teams aligned into 2 divisions - the Blue Division and the Grey Division. The original Knoxville Bears were assigned to the Blue Division and the origianl Chattanooga Cherokees were assigned to the Grey Divsion just as they are in this present day re-creation of that historical league.
  15. All of these gameboards are from the time period of 1967 - 1971 or 72.
  16. Hard to say. Games during that time period came with different teams sometimes based on what area of the country you were in. Most of the Tudor NFL Electric Football Games sold during that time were of the 620 series size and based on whether it was a NFC Conference game or AFC Conference game had blue end zones or yellow end zones. Hope this helps.
  17. Look what Santa left under the tree for the NEFGM!! A new 50" 4K UHD Smart TV. Now you can come to the museum and watch live streaming league and tournament games, youtube video tutorials and many of the other ELECTRIC FOOTBALL DVD's found in the NEFGM Library Media Archives.
  18. Well I, for one have thoroughly enjoyed reading about and following this league. But I do understand that there may be the perception that not that many people are interested. But I can almost assure you that there are more than you realize. Just because they aren't "liking" or responding doesn't meant that are not interested or have not been following it. You know your league and all your records will forever have a place in The National Electric Football Game Musuem.
  19. Love it, Al!!!, Thanks just made my Day.
  20. 12222020 Semi Final Game 1 Cherokees v Showboats.pdf
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