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About This League

We are a bit early on the post but we are at the moment, a league of 12 not yet ready to play. With the help of the LIEFL this league will be a huge success. We are starting from scratch! Because we would end up with six or eight additional coaches from the LIEFL, this league would feature twenty coaches! The League will have dues, and we will play for a huge grand prize just like the LIEFL does for their Super Bowl Title. We already have a sponsor should this league succeed. There will be a seven game season with 20 customized 67-BIG MEN Teams. There are two existing leagues involved, the Long Island Electric Football League, and the Nassau Electric Football League. Our goal is to merge the two leagues consisting of the popular coaches from the LIEFL and the NEFL to make this league the "Trailblazers Top Gun Electric Football League of Long Island". We intend on making four Divisions with these very active coaches. The LIEFL retires in 2025.
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