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New NFL Uniforms

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These are the teams bringing out some new looks and new alternate logos. Everyone is raving about the Chargers, but I think the Patriots are going to look really slick. 

New Falcons - The upside? Easy to paint. 

What do you think?

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Hey, I'd love to see the following teams return to earlier uniform styles - 

Saints - Original 1967 look with the gold numbers. 

Falcons - The "Bartkowski Era, Red Wave" uniforms of the mid-70's and 80's. 

Jaguars - Their original uniform from the 90's. 

Patriots - Pat Patriot on the helmet with the red jerseys

Bucs - The "Creamsicles" with Bucco Bruce

Eagles - The Jaworski-era uni of the 70's and 80's. 

What do you think?  


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Looking back on this post, did my opinion change after checking out this season's games? A little. 

Most of the changes did not get a reaction out of me, except for 3 - 

The Falcons new look is a step down. 

The Chargers and Patriots looked great every week. 

What happened to the Rams? Did they get a great deal on slightly used Pro Bowl uniforms or something? Bring back the classic looks. 

Edited by NO Dave
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On 1/10/2021 at 2:42 PM, NO Dave said:

Looking back on this post, did my opinion change after checking out this season's games? A little. 

Most of the changes did not get a reaction out of me, except for 3 - 

The Falcons new look is a step down. 

The Chargers and Patriots looked great every week. 

What happened to the Rams? Did they get a great deal on slightly used Pro Bowl uniforms or something? Bring back the classic looks. 

The Rams are pretty bad.  Just go back to the 80's - Eric Dickerson era...

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I agree.  I always thought the Rams looked best with the blue jerseys and yellow pants.  I'm really not a fan of the new uniforms or the multi-uniform looks in the NFL these days. With all the different uniform versions for each team, It's getting hard to figure out what teams you are looking at.  😊  Also,  I especially don't like the jersey and pants the same color look. Obviously, just my opinion.

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23 hours ago, RickLM30 said:

I agree.  I always thought the Rams looked best with the blue jerseys and yellow pants.  I'm really not a fan of the new uniforms or the multi-uniform looks in the NFL these days. With all the different uniform versions for each team, It's getting hard to figure out what teams you are looking at.  😊  Also,  I especially don't like the jersey and pants the same color look. Obviously, just my opinion.

Kinda looks like Friday Night Lights, not the NFL...

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Just My Opinion - With the NFL it's all about marketing and mechandising. which means more money. They are talking about adding one more game to the regular season next year which they said would add about a billion dollors more in TV revenue to their income. Why did they add 2 more teams to the playoffs this years? Because it added 2 more games to their playoff schedule and thus more TV revenue. I had no doubt that the NFL was going to play this year, because of all the TV money they would lose if they didn't. Same with the colleges. 

All the new uniforms and color combinations makes it more difficult for a company like Tudor to keep up with the demand of their customers. I am sure they would like to satisfy the demand of all their customers.    

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Yup, I agree 100%.  It's all about the money with the NFL.  The more games, the more merchandise, the more fans, all result in more income.  I think that's why it's become a passing league - because the average "fan" just wants to see touchdowns and has no real appreciation for defense. The more touchdowns, the more fans.  I'm old school and have always liked defensive struggles.   😊

Anyway, it's just too many uniforms now.  I'll stick with the old ones from the 60's, 70s, and 80s for my solitaire league, thank you very much! 😊

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Well, I know I'm old, so there's that, but I always liked defense.  And I agree there is a difference between an inept offense and great defense.  Bring back the Steel Curtain, Purple People Eaters, Fearsome Foursome, Orange Crush, and even the Doomsday Defense (I'm not a Dallas fan! 😊).  It's just really difficult to play defense in this day and age, especially in the secondary, where you can't touch the receivers (or even look cross-eyed at them 😊).  

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I read that the raiders of the 70’s and Bill Walsh’s 49ers offenses were built off the packers sweep. Now I know why they were some of my favorite teams. The game has changed for more scoring and better tv ratings. Kids ( meaning anyone under 40) nowadays are only interested in their fantasy team numbers. You can’t win in the NFL today unless you have a QB who can pass for 4000 yards and a team that can score over 35 points a game. The great teams of the 60’s and 70’s all were noted for their great defense. The 85 bears are still remembered for their defense. It is interesting that the two teams playing in the Super Bowl have two of the oldest coaches in the league.

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