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Would this be a bad idea ?

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1 hour ago, Chris Harris said:

For solitaire play finding a way to add just the smallest amount of

weight on my historic to HOF players on teams I created to give them a small advantage.

If so any ideas on what I could use

I'm still a beginner and learning the ropes, but I've discovered the magic of putty. Tudor games has some here: https://tudorgames.com/scotch-removable-adhesive-putty.html


And if you're really looking to add weight, there's a denser putty called tungsten putty here: https://www.hobbylobby.com/Crafts-Hobbies/Hobbies-Collecting/Pine-Cars/Tungsten-Putty-Weight/p/28427


I've used both, but Tungsten allows you to go heavier, or just use really small amounts if you're only adding a gram or so.


Don't forget to make sure you've got a scale to measure grams: https://www.uline.com/Grp_382/Compact-Bench-Scales?pricode=WZ352&AdKeyword=precision gram scales&AdMatchtype=e&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAibeuBhAAEiwAiXBoJKpOFwnTo70OXrwU0c1aaSgH9oFSnwPD0e1l0IJK0KTIve5MYi9alBoCbRsQAvD_BwE

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2 hours ago, Chris Harris said:


What ever I use I'll need to find a way it's hidden.

I spend a lot of time creating these teams and don't want any eye sores on them.

The part with putty begins at about the 5 and half minute mark and runs for about a minute. 

FYI, there's a good picture of what a base looks like with putty underneath it at around 6 minutes and 15 seconds to 6:20.

Hope this helps. 




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My friend taught me how to play way back in 1974. He glued BB's under the 5 offensive linemen and 2 RB's (to keep the RB's from jumping and turning when you first turn the board on) The defense was allowed 5 players with BB's. This added just a touch of weight to make them a little stronger without being overly strong. All my solitaire teams are built this way and works well so you don't have to tweak every single base. Just glue the players to the base, turn them upside down and put a drop of Elmers white glue in the hole in the base and add the BB. On bases without holes, I use an Exacto knife to rough up the underside of the base a little for the glue to hold and glue the BB in the middle. Let them set overnight and you are good to go.

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