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When we started out on our Electric Football journey we created and gathered together many items to aid in this pursuit.

Some of what we did is now laughable compared to what is now available.  But those old items still hold a special place in our memories and we consider them treasured relics.  
If you have such items please post pics to share your experience.

I will start with my only surviving EF figure from my first Tudor field.   It probably was my dad’s field but he allowed a very young me to play with it and thus it did not survive long.

Next is my homemade Championship trophy used in the “Magna Bowl” between my brother and myself.



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8 hours ago, zak99b5 said:

Those Chiefs sure were dominant!

Yes!  It was part luck as the Chiefs just got lucky when bases were assigned to teams.  They got great bases.   At that time we knew nothing of tweaking nor did we order extra bases to switch for improved play.  So the teams remained the same year after year.   
Also I was older and the age gap gave me a big advantage.   After 8 seasons and 8 Magnabowl Championship s I had my Chiefs retire.

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Yes...one solid mold.....i then ordered the d hogleg jets because they had just won super bowl 3 ...and my favorite team the w hogleg rams......for several years i would get 4 or 5 teams on birthdays and christmas.....my first big 620 game was the blue endzone rams and cowboys game.

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