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Game Venues - Where do you go to play Electric Football?

NO Dave

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Of course, the most obvious one is someone's home. However, in light of the pandemic, is this still a viable option? What about public spaces? 

First off, hats off to those who play in a bar. You have some guts. 

I would say the most Electric Football friendly public place we have used was Buffalo Wild Wings. They were quite accommodating, and we always remembered to tip well. 

Share your thoughts, I'm needing some ideas!

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Church fellowship halls... lots of EF'rs are religious members, they usually can get access.  Local public recreation halls and bowling alleys... they usually charge a fee, but are happy to have people there filling their slow days.   HOA or Apartment Community Centers... usually reserved for residents.  We have a guy in our league who'll rent out the center in his HOA and host a large gameday.  Hotel conference rooms and wedding venues...  yes they'll charge a fee, but if its the offseason, they'll usually have a significant discount depending on the size of your group.  Grade School, Middle School gyms...  find out who the custodians are, you'll be surprised, many have a off-school citizen use programs where you can have access to the gym for an evening a month.  The custodians will put you on course with how to find out.   Shopping Malls... those still in operation have plenty of open space they'll let you set up some tables and play... again, usually for a small fee.

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I have played at our local wargame shop.  The owner has shown a lot of interest in our league and invited us to play there.  
I asked him if the noise would be to much of a distraction for the wargamers playing at their hobby.  He  laughed it off saying no.

I have only played there once but it was enjoyable and drew many questions from the crowd, although none ended up joining the league.

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Coach Shawn, I agree on playing in a gaming shop. We did try a league at two of the shops, but participation lagged quickly. I see a lot of stores are having the same issue with their collectible card game leagues as well. 

Seems like it relates back to another issue in the hobby - If people can't win right away, they just don't play. 

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We play our leage championship game at our favorite local bar (Graney's).  A couple of us from the league are regulars there.  We do it early on Saturday afternoon, before the place gets too busy.  But the guys who are there all remember the game and watch for a bit.

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