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4, 6, or 7-Man?

NO Dave

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I think I recall reading about someone on here who coaches 6-man football, that is, there are only 6 players on the field per side. There was also a young person on one o the old forums who played 4-man with a classic Tudor 500 and the single-mold "player and base together" figures. For a 4-man league, he was able to s-t-r-e-t-c-h his limited player pool of 22 into 5 teams. 

I've tried 7-man (Arena Style) with the "floating" OT/TE, but haven't worked with any of the others. 

The creative possibilities with this are really interesting. Thoughts?


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This is right up my alley! I'm actually looking to set up a 7-on-7 Arena football Style solitaire league this Summer. Like Arena football, it would be played on 50 yard fields, 8 yard endzones, 200' x 85' total dimensions. Set up some netting, padded sideboards, and some 9' wide field goals.

I can probably swing for 25 man rosters: one "regular" 11 man team, one 67 "big man" 11 man team, 1 kicker, and 2 QB figures. If I'm feeling luxurious, I might scale up to 36 or 37 man rosters (with two regular teams, one "67" team, 2 QBs, one kicker, and one or two other figures like a dedicated field goal Holder or Long Snapper. Possibly having inactive and active rosters and "injuries").

I'm still having trouble determining an appropriate scale - some boards use 1/2" = 1 yard, making 1" = 6'. However, the 1.30" and 1.35" figures would then be almost 7' tall, which would only be to scale if this were basketball. 😆

If you bump it up to 5/8" = 1 yd, that would make 1.25" = 6', and results in the figures being about 6'2" and 6'6". Much more accurately to scale, so I think this is what I'm going to go for.

However, that scale then makes the scaled down field size start having weird fractional inch dimensions - 41 and 2/3 inches by 17 and 17/24 inches. Yuck!

Therefore, I'm debating on cheating a tiny bit and making it 201' by 87' so it divides better (41 and 7/8" by 18 and 1/8"), or just rounding off at 42" by 18". Any thoughts on scaling?

Hope others are interested in this style as well! It makes your players stretch further, and encourages more scoring!

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