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Daryl Collins

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Everything posted by Daryl Collins

  1. Believe it or not, I have one of those games and forgot all about that spinner! Journey On!
  2. Falcons V 49ers Seahawks V Commanders Lions V Raiders Cowboys V Chargers I’ll do this in groups of 8 until I exhaust all 32 teams. Then I’ll start all over again! Journey On!
  3. Wellllll…. Not the true meaning, but it sure is great! Here are my PAC12 custom painted Giants. Ironically on the very field they just got clobbered on today. Anyhow. They look so fantastic! I assume my Packers were painted by Brian’s son. There was no return address on this package. I’ll get more pics up when I get them numbered and based. What a great day! Journey On!
  4. I rather think they underestimated the response to custom paints. I have already received my home Packers and they look phenomenal! Expecting my away Giants any day now and I am beyond stoked! Both these teams are in PAC12 figures. I plan on ordering more as my mad money allows, but I noticed where there was a limit to 6 teams per order. 6 teams! Really!?! Someone out there has infinitely more mad money than I!😂 I think once the holidays wind down, there will be more product available. I already have plans for the Immaculate Reception teams and probably whoever ends up in this years Super Bowl. It’s like I posted earlier, I want my custom paints to represent something special. I want it to be an event. For whatever reason, that seems to keep the magic going. Journey On!
  5. This was a great matchup! A tight game all the way to the end. The Legion of Boom defense looked as if it were a done deal but the Commander’s offense had one play left and John Riggins, (yes, he plays on the Commanders), caught a 48 yard pass over the middle for the go ahead score. The Seahawks had one play and almost pulled out a miracle…. It was not to be. Final score, Commanders 31 Seahawks 30. Next up, Lions v Raiders. The OAKLAND Raiders. Like God intended.
  6. While we’re sitting on 2 weeks with no edicts from high command, I have it on good authority that the custom painters are progressing through orders! (Just a hunch, really.) This is good, because we’ll be able to use all that Christmas cash from spouses and relatives to order teams when the green light hits! I even offered to mow the neighbor’s lawn for extra cash. Since it’s winter and the grass is brown, he told me to get lost. But i digress. Ten more days, coaches. Remember Halloween? Yeah, just yesterday. Journey On!
  7. So it’s almost a week to Christmas and the train guys have their layouts up and running, the decorations people have their displays up and displaying and the electric football guys are….scaling back? At Christmas? Where most of all of our best memories started? Is it the change in leadership? Holiday malaise? Waning from the waxing? I saw a great post in the Forum about a coach and his grandkids. Fantastic post. I have had times in the past when I wasn’t as involved or cut back. It’s understandable. Eventually I cranked back up and found the thrill all over again. I hope those of you not feeling it so much this year, will get the love of our great hobby once again. Journey On!
  8. The red headed kid could show up at any of my family reunions and there’d be no questions asked. She would fit right in! Such great pictures! Happy Holidays!! Journey On!
  9. So. After I ordered my custom painted Giants I started thinking,”What teams are next up?”. I worked some lottery picks and never was satisfied with the results. I kept a running power ranking of teams I wanted…eventually. The Raiders were always top 3. Why? I’m not a Raider fan per se. Ordering custom painted teams needs to be an event. Something special. So, I’m tooling around on YouTube and out of the blue, it happens. The Immaculate Reception! That way I get the Raiders AND with the teams dressed out as they were in that game, a representation of the teams involved in one of the greatest plays in my lifetime of watching the NFL. I’ll number the Beenutt teams for the IR play and fill out the rest of the roster with Uni-Form clad Fab Fives. I am at peace now. Now I can sleep. (Most of you EF coaches know exactly what I’m talking about.) Journey On!
  10. So if you have a field cover installed on a board, could you successfully overlay a magnetic field cover over that and have it work well? Journey On!
  11. Sad note, but totally understandable. I will miss this post. Be well, do good work, and play electric football! Journey On!
  12. I appreciate your efforts immensely! My wife has instructions that should anything happen to me, my collection is to be forwarded to the museum, but we have discussed this before. I hope for great things from Bryan and his group in 2023! As it stands, I’m taking Coach T43’s advice and just play more electric football! Journey On!
  13. Doesn’t it drive you crazy wondering what is out there in those attics, garages, and storage areas!?! 😃 Journey On!
  14. I just started doing this so after watching as many posts as I could and amassing my tools, I found there was base knowledge and then trial and error. I put the player on the base and start by lightly flattening the front prongs. Then I try the player out, then, I flash with a flame, and try him out. Clipping the prongs ever so slightly for direction or balance seems to help other coaches, but I have had limited success with this. I do move to the back prongs at some point if I need to and very lightly flash with a flame. Then if I’m satisfied, I’ll weight up the base. I’ve had a base come to life at any point in the process and I’ve also crashed and burned spectacularly. Still learning, but at no time have I not been having a great time! Good luck! Journey On!
  15. So. Week 2 and no word from the front lines. We’re 17 days from Christmas and I think anything of interest would have come out by now. I imagine as much as the East Coast Tudor have done since the move, we probably need to look at 2024 for the next wave. I mean, really, when you think about what has been released in a relatively short period of time, it’s actually quite amazing. BTW. I just got back from a 6A high school state championship game That went down to the last play and ended up on the one yard line. 31-28 was the score. Both teams were undefeated. It was a classic! Journey On!
  16. It’s the Seattle Seahawks V the Washington Commanders in Uni-Forms! Based and weighted, ready for action. Let’s go! Journey On!
  17. Usually when special plays go the distance, it equals a win. Your play design is incredible! I always learn something new. Coolness as always, Coach T.! Journey On!
  18. Take it from someone who just started tweaking and weighing bases in the past year. It’s much better to cut your teeth on rookie bases and get a feel for how and what you’re looking for to fill out your teams. I watched countless tweaking videos and listened to advice from a couple of coaches I trust, but nothing is as fun or as satisfying as getting your hands dirty with all your tools and a couple of hours to spend working on a team! And, boy! Do those couple of hours fly by fast! If you think you love this hobby, just wait until you’ve successfully tweaked a base and have it perform to spec! Why I waited all these years to find this out, is anyone’s guess. I’m just so glad I did! BTW. I have planned for a couple of said hours Thursday night. I’ll either have my NFL Films music or the Steelers/Patriots on in the background and be basing my UniForm clad Seahawks and Commanders. Journey On!
  19. So in reviewing the Gotham pdf I realized there was a Lew Alcindor basketball game. My cousins and I played the dickens out of that game, back in the day! It, along with all their other collectibles, was destroyed in a busted water heater that was allowed to run in the house all day while everyone was gone to work and school. Oh well, that’s what makes some collectibles more valuable! Journey On!
  20. So I got my new Uni-Forms teams in the mail this morning and tore the box open. Now I generally don’t expect much in this life, and I’m sure not going negative this early in the morning. The jewel boxes the Uni-Forms once came in we’re a great way to store the left over numbers and were decorative due to the different distinctive logos on the front. I really liked those jewel boxes. I appreciate New Tudor’s decision to add back the action figures. I appreciate them keeping Uni-Forms in production. Those jewel boxes were great, and now, apparently, are history. One team came with a card with the artwork on it. The other did not. The applications were in little baggies and the action figures were bagged as usual, and separate. In my opinion, those jewel boxes added some class and professionalism to the product. I understand this was one of many cost saving missives instituted in the transfer of the company. This however is not a positive thing. When I order my products from Tudor, I expect them to come packaged like they are from Tudor and not some seller on eBay. i continue to support Tudor and wish you all well. Thank you for this Forum to express opinions ant thoughts. Journey On.
  21. I find that encouraging! Still, that was one of the strangest games I’ve played to date. 4 times in one half the dice came up with an interception. That’s just uncanny! Journey On!
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