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Daryl Collins

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Everything posted by Daryl Collins

  1. Rolllll Tide! Roll! Journey On!
  2. Happy Belated Birthday! May you have many, many more! Journey On!
  3. What can I say, Coach T? I’m a fan! More on the passing dice, please. I cannot believe the amount of output I’m seeing here. I look forward to picking a favorite out of the new group. (AMC had a winner with the look of the Javelin in the day. I understand that that the performance was another matter.) I had recently wondered how you were doing. Now I know! 5 grams… can’t wait. Journey On!
  4. Oh my! Those are fantastic! Just love what I’m seeing! Journey On!
  5. Be well, man! You’ll beat this. Journey On!
  6. Oh, that is priceless!! 🤣🤣 Now if I can just get the wife to sit at the scorer’s table when I play! Journey On!
  7. McCall! Hot hand. Always. Journey On!
  8. Getting the old away Seahawks uniforms custom painted would be extremely desirable! BTW. Didn’t KC lose that game? I’ll have to Google. Journey On!
  9. On the faculty…with tenure. Believe it. Journey On!
  10. Because that play hurt my feelings… 🤣🤣🤣 Journey On!
  11. Here you go! I’ve ordered 6 team’s total. I plan on getting others, but after Tudor Con. Don’t want to go to the Con without mad money! Journey On!
  12. I am so impressed with how smooth your applications look! I’ve been doing Uni-Forms for about 2 years now, and I would love some pointers that may be evading me on applications. Excellent work!! Journey On!
  13. Who needs a P&D department when we have Coach T43?!? Journey On!
  14. That striping is next level! That is a work of art, dude! Journey On!
  15. Coach Davis, SanDiego, Oakland, and Baltimore. Yes, yes, and yes! Redskins and Oilers. Yes and yes! Journey On!
  16. I couldn’t tell if he was playing Beenutt figures or Haiti Repros. Journey On!
  17. I got turned on to Mr. Nutt’s YouTube channel. It’s helping with understanding TAP rules, give or take, with a few minor differences. It’s also a kick seeing all the college teams play each other that might not normally meet. Journey On!
  18. Understand, I ordered these from Tudor. I appreciate all you coaches who have the skills. I, on the other hand, have no painting skills. Those who can’t do….order. Journey On!
  19. Well put. I agree to that as far as base tweaking. Now when it comes to painting, I know for a fact, as well as I know I can’t carry a tune in a bucket, I am NOT a painter! So in that department, I gladly leave that to the more talented of our brethren. Journey On!
  20. So here are the Super Bowl teams in custom painted Beenutt figures. They turned out quite nicely I think. Now I have to get to work on the Uni-Forms home Giants to take to the Con. I was going to take the Saints or the Seahawks, but in every instance, I had numbered the White uniforms for offense and the dark ones for defense. It’s a sign. So that left the Commanders or the Giants. I decided on the Giants. So let’s begin. Journey On!
  21. Here are my custom paints numbered for the Immaculate Reception play. They are quick based. I turned on the board and nothing like the Immaculate Reception happened. If it had, I would have found a monastery to join. Anyway, here it is. Makes me happy on a whole nother level! Journey On!
  22. Welcome, Ron! Thank you for your time, resource, and willingness to further this fine hobby! Journey On!
  23. Yes! I also got my Chiefs and 49ers! I have hit a stretch of work, so I’m waiting to get the numbers on them and quick base them for pictures. I keep looking for time to carve out. Journey On!
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