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30s Packers and Buffalo Bills

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Some little progress. Primed the figures, and painted the platforms. 

Testors is soooo much better than craft paint. I picked gloss just because Tudor figures normally came in gloss paint. Covered in one coat. I’m sure I’ll need to do a touch up here and there, but you can see how well it covered. 



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The Testors also flows so much smoother off the brush. It was pretty easy to go along just the shoe where it meets the platform. 

Question: what do you paint the molded support that’s under the shoe but up off the platform?  Green, because it’s not shoe?  Or shoe color, since you’d see the shoe “through” that?  Not sure this is making sense. I kinda split the difference. 

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Properly mixed, light blue was more oilers/chargers. Dark was good for the bills. May try to find gloss navy for the Packers. 

you can see the powder blue on one sock in the background on a guard figure. 

i also painted the sox above the knee for the wide receivers, as is the current trend. 



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After a busy few days, I finally got back to some painting last night.  Finished the jerseys and sock stripes on all players.  No pics, since they don't look any different than the ones I already posted.

Some Qs on the Bills' striping:

Buffalo Bills uniforms by CoachFieldsOfNOLA on DeviantArt

No way could I paint the red-white-red-blue-red-white-red on either the socks or the shoulders, and I'm not sure I want to use decals.  Would it be better just to paint two white stripes separated by blue, one red-white-red set of stripes, or something else?  Not even thinking about the small black borders!

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5 hours ago, zak99b5 said:

After a busy few days, I finally got back to some painting last night.  Finished the jerseys and sock stripes on all players.  No pics, since they don't look any different than the ones I already posted.

Some Qs on the Bills' striping:

Buffalo Bills uniforms by CoachFieldsOfNOLA on DeviantArt

No way could I paint the red-white-red-blue-red-white-red on either the socks or the shoulders, and I'm not sure I want to use decals.  Would it be better just to paint two white stripes separated by blue, one red-white-red set of stripes, or something else?  Not even thinking about the small black borders!

I would just go with the 2 white stripes separated by blue. My biggest suggestion to hand painters is keep it simple if it "looks" like a particular team and is generally easliy recognizable as a particular team, then you have done a good job. If you study and look at the way Tudor presented their "Official NFL Uniforms" in the 60's and 70's, you will notice not that much worry about accurate details. Most teams were very recognizable as a particular team just by their basic team colors and uniform designs, and certainly decals were not used or even considered until much later when MIggle first came out with their stamped helmet teams and other people started creating  decals for helmet logos, jersey and pant stripes.      

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Thanks--sounds like a plan.  I may try a shoulder stripe decal I have on a figure.  If it's not too fiddly, I may use them.  But then the socks stripes need to be painted anyway, and it may just be better to keep them consistent.

I also need yellow number decals for the Packers.  I was thinking about using the Chiefs ones, but solid yellow would be better.  Any leads there?

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