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Hello. I am new to the forum but I have played electric football off and on since I was about 7 or 8 years old. I am retired now and I have some health issues that prevent me from doing some activities I used to enjoy. I have been playing the game a little more recently and I am trying to save money to buy an ultimate board. I have a 620 board and I like it but i think the bigger board will be more realistic. I just wondered how some of you guys like the ultimate board. I also need to be educated on the newer bases. I do not know much about the new bases now being offered. What would be a good set of bases for an amateur like me? I am also interested in getting a couple of uni-form teams but I have arthritis in my hands and I worry it may be difficult for me to apply them on the figures. Can you put uni-forms on painted figures? I look forward to hearing your suggestions and advice. Thank you guys for keeping this hobby alive. I wish the new owners all the success and hope they grow the hobby and keep making it better. Everyone take care and stay safe!

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Welcome (back).

The Ultimate Board is great.  That said, I did add a second motor to make it better, then replaced those with a GBN electrostatic motor, which is excellent for the ultimate.

Additionally, in our league we use all 620 boards.  Each team has its own home board.  For the championship game, we break out the Ultimate though.

Other's will chime in more about bases, but the strength invisibases seem to work pretty well out of the box.  Useful for linemen.

Uniforms I found too difficult to put numbers on nicely and to follow the contours very well.  They look like guys with stickers on them.  So I gave up.  I'm sure some practice would yield better results, but I prefer the look of painted figures anyway.

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So here are some examples of teams I have done in Uni-Forms. I love them, but it takes a bit of a learning curve and at $30 a pop,(now), it might be a bit above what you are ready for. As far as the fingers, yes, it does require nimble fingers. As sad as it makes me, in your case, I would probably lean toward pre-painted figures. I wish you all the best! This IS the greatest hobby, and the coaches on this forum are some of the best people on the planet…. My opinion.



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Hi TY62  🤗  Welcome. I'm retired also. Playing electric football all day. Best job I've ever had. 😃👍

5 hours ago, TY62 said:

I do not know much about the new bases now being offered.

Most bases will perform well with a little tweaking. Seeing the prongs is sometimes a challenge. I have an option-visor which I believe may be my most useful tweaking tool.


My wife says I look like a robot when I'm wearing my optic-visor and my headphones at the same time. 🤖

Enjoy the Journey   T43   🏈♾️


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As a fellow retiree who has been playing for 50 years with boards that have grown with my solitaire league along with now 33 teams for the past 17years, I can first say that retirement with health issues is not really needed to be worried about. My list of health issues is way way-long. While getting older and life changes have required that I give up Model Railroading and a 40-year music career, Electric Football remains a great joy and a favorite hobby of mine.

Regarding the Ultimate sized board, it is well worth it. The fact that it is almost to perfect scale rocks! When talking perfect scale, I use this for comparison. If a man averages 6 feet tall, i.e., 2 yards, then the current bases/ figures stretching 3 yards on my Ultimate board for true scale would require a slightly larger board to where they would cover 2 yards. However, I don't know if I would want anything bigger because the Ultimate board so perfectly fits my newer larger space for my games. But for the sake of argument, let's say an even bigger board does come down the pike, it would still be worth whatever increase cost it would command. Let me qualify that a bit more for you.

I don't look at it from a viewpoint of well, it costs this much. I look at it as overall cost per game I've played making it a far more economical investment. Put differently, let's say you pay $100.00 for a board then after 100 games you end up with a cost of only $1.00 per game. While I only use rookie bases and don't have uni-forms, the same principal applies so advice stands to reason, do as much as possible that makes you as happy as possible. Blessings, Curt

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