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Clash of the Colleges - Exhibition Games


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Going to be making a concious effort tonight to continue my matchup between Auburn and Penn State

I believe I left it off at it being 7-6 to Auburn at the end of the first quarter but I cannot remember if I played the 2nd quarter 😂 I will check my scoresheet when I am home

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PSU v Auburn Tigers

After a few weeks absence I am back on the EF board continuing the matchup between PSU and Auburn

We are now at the end of Q3. PSU dominating the game but Auburn's passing game is starting to improve

Main highlight is a PSU 79 TD pass to #70. PSU then gets the pick six from the 50 yard line to put them in control of the game. Auburn reply with a TD of their own, a 12 yd TD Pass to their WR but they miss the PAT

An interesting 4th quarter to come

Current score: PSU 27 - 13 Auburn




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Oh definitely, pads take awhile to break in as well. I'm sure you'll notice that after a few practices/games they'll feel a bit looser in the shoulders and won't rub around your neck as much. It might seem dated by modern standards, but a mini "cowboy collar" pad was a godsend for me. 😁

Originally, I was a Free Safety (aka the easiest position to learn from scratch from what I've been told) and played a few downs at Fullback for whatever reason, but I became a Punter and Kickoff specialist when my coach learned that I played soccer for several years. Being about 5'11" and 140lbs at the time and pretty slow, I think it was a fair conversion.

😆 What position are you?

Edited by Paul Kian
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Nice 🙂 yeah definitely makes sense to have a soccer player kicking! Not something I'd like to do under pressure

And for now they have stuck me in the offensive line. Been used as Right Guard and tackle so far. Would like to try defensive line at some point if my coach allows. But i do like the other guys I line up with and the O Line coaches are very helpful so may stick to O Line 😄

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That's awesome, Lineman is what I wish I could've played. I think you should be able to play both sides of the line equally well if you give enough practice; definitely don't be afraid to ask for some practice reps at other positions if you and your team have the time.

If you're ever curious what your coach is thinking of your skillset, as well as which position you may do well in on Defense, consider which side he puts you on. If he's putting you on the Right Side of the Line (with a Righty QB), it's usually a good sign that you also have the size and skillset to be a Defensive Tackle because that's typically the "trucking" side of the line. In the words of my old coach to our Linemen "Y'all will be able to open up a Breakfast Buffet with all the Pancakes y'all be layin' out." 😆

If you are playing more on the Left, it usually means you're taller and/or quicker, thus more likely the size and skillset of a Defensive End. Of course I'm going off of a lot of assumptions, and your coaches may have a different set up entirely but that's pretty typical over here at least.

I always wished I had taken more after my father (around 6'5", close to 300lbs, & built like a tank) instead of my mother's side of the family so I could have played on the Line. My dad even taught me how to pass punch and do some Left Tackle footwork, for all the good that did me. 😆

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Also, if this hasn’t happened already, it always took me a couple days to get used to wearing the helmet again, so maybe be prepared for that possibility.  The weight of it threw me the first few practices, but after a bit it was like second nature.  

I too was a lineman when I played, and it was great fun!  Enjoy yourself!

Edited by WeeVikes
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3 minutes ago, WeeVikes said:

Also, if this hasn’t happened already, it always took me a couple days to get used to wearing the helmet again, so maybe be prepared for that possibility.  The weight of it threw me the first few practices, but after a bit it was like second nature.  

Definitely, and even something as insignificant as changing facemasks can make it feel way heavier or lighter. I went through at least 3 different facemasks before I found one I liked that didn't feel like pure lead, but also didn't make me feel like I was going to break my nose if I got hit either.

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On 2/3/2022 at 3:55 AM, MK1603 said:

Most of my rules and gameplay are in my head but I have a chart for my dice rolls because I always forget if a kick is good or not 😂 Sometimes I just make rules up as I go along and pick and choose what I want to do 😂

LOL.  I have 28 teams and all my teams execute the same offense. Otherwise I'd go crazy 🤪 trying to keep each team straight in my head.

I use this statistic sheet to help me stay on track.


For the Play line I've created a three-digit code.

The first letter is the formation: S for single set back, T for T formation, P for Proset, and U for Upback formation.

The second is a number that is the offensive line blocking assignments. There are only 5 blocking assignments.

The third is the gap the ball carrier should hit. There are 8 gaps and each one is assigned a letter. Lettering starts with the right side. The A gap is between the right Tight End and the right Tackle. The B gap is between the right Tackle and the right Guard, etc.  R is a sweep to the strong side and W is a sweep to the weak side.

One of the my favorite plays is P5R. The offense starts in the Proset. The strong side guard pulls and blocks (blocking assignment 5) and the play is a sweep to the strong side (R).

Sometimes I record the gap the running back actually hit (instead of the one he was suppose to hit) because, "there is many a slip between the cup and the lip. Especially in electric football."  

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