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Been Away for a while

Greg F

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E75DB239-8A84-4C90-AEA9-ABFCA3AB9E29.heicI haven't been on here since October, but hopefully I'll have more time to post now.

First of all, let me say that I"m fully enjoying this year's solitaire season, but season is running behind schedule.  Its been harder to keep my league going consistently now that my daughter Charlie is over 2.  Plus, we went to 7 Auburn games this year because she loves going so much.  See picture.  We have season tix with my friends on the front row in the en zone.

My changes this year have been productive.   I don''t have enough bases for all 32 teams.  I've made close to 100 bases specified for each of the fab 5 figures.  After an initial draw for each team, the teams retain 5 for week 2, 6 for week 3 and 7 for week 4.  (I have always played a 4 week season with a regular playoff format). The rest are drawn from the bases not used.  If 2 teams playing have claim to one of the bases, the decision on that base is made by record, home team and player performance using that base.

Another change is adding plays learned from Terry, Shawn and others.  These plays have made the game more interesting and more strategic.  Playing solitaire, my goal is for both sides of the ball to make plays.  Thus, after starting in base offense and defenses, if the offense is rolling, I have to figure out a way for the defense to stop it.  Once (or if) the defense stops it, the offense has to readjust.  I just get satisfaction from figuring out how to do it.  

A downside from this year is that I made too many of the bases too straight.  This takes some of the plays I learned impossible to run for some teams  if that play requires a curve.  

2 things that have slowed me down this season are adding up statistics and setting up the games based on the retained bases and newly drawn bases.  Also, once the bases are on the player, I have been using the ITZ bumpers on 3 bases per team.  These things are very time consuming.

I remember someone mentioning a football stats app they used to keep up with stats realtime.  Does anyone remember the name of the app?  Also, I will probably take some extra months off to make bases for every player.  Hopefully doing these things will quicken the time between games.   Also, adding more plays and new rules will improve the game even more.

(FYI  the undefeated, untied teams left are Steelers, Jaguars, Cowboys and Falcons.  The Colts are 2-0-1.)







Edited by Greg F
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1 hour ago, Greg F said:

haven't been on here since October,

Welcome back Greg F. Your daughter is adorable. Can't same the same for the Auburn Tiger. 😜 🐅

1 hour ago, Greg F said:

Another change is adding plays learned from Terry, Shawn and others.

Thank you. 🤩


1 hour ago, Greg F said:

Thus, after starting in base offense and defenses, if the offense is rolling, I have to figure out a way for the defense to stop it.  Once (or if) the defense stops it, the offense has to readjust.  I just get satisfaction from figuring out how to do it.

That's exactly how I play in my solitaire league. 😃👍

1 hour ago, Greg F said:

I have been using the ITZ bumpers on 3 bases per team.  These things are very time consuming.

My thoughts exactly. I don't spend time on bumpers anymore. After lots of experimentation I just don't think they make a difference.

Enjoy the Journey   T43.   🏈♾️

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49 minutes ago, Daryl Collins said:

Cultural differences aside, (Big Al rocks!), that is a great picture! What a memory. If that was my kid, that baby would be framed and on the wall! Aren’t we blessed to live in SEC country?!?

Great post! Welcome back.

Journey on!

Daryl C.

She’s 2 1/2, and she’s already been to 8 games.  😂

I’ve had those season tix on front row with buddies I graduated with for 25 years.  So very grateful that I get to take her now.   She loves Aubie and knows the fight song already.  😂

I hate what’s happening to Alabama in the transfer portal.  College football has turned into something I don’t recognize.  But, we enjoy going to Auburn as much as possible.  We went to a basketball game 2 weeks ago, and I’m sure we’ll take in some gymnastic meets and softball games too.  We live just south of Nashville.  

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7 hours ago, Terry43 said:

Welcome back Greg F. Your daughter is adorable. Can't same the same for the Auburn Tiger. 😜 🐅

Thank you. 🤩


That's exactly how I play in my solitaire league. 😃👍

My thoughts exactly. I don't spend time on bumpers anymore. After lots of experimentation I just don't think they make a difference.

Enjoy the Journey   T43.   🏈♾️

I have used the convex bumpers on receivers and concave on cornerbacks. 

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College football will all shake out eventually. The pendulum has swung so drastically in the last few years, I don’t recognize the sport either.

Take that child to an Auburn girls softball game! That is the sport that still feels like a collegiate sporting event. They are so much fun and still will not break the bank to go to. And lordy, are those girls competitive!

Journey On!

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Hey Greg F. Great to see you on here again. I was just thinking about you the other day and hoping and praying that you were doing OK health wise. Glad that you are getting to take Charlie to these games. Savor and enjoy as much of this time with her as you possibly can. It all goes by way to quick. My Granddaughter recently got married in December and she will be celebrating 23 years on this earth next week. I still remember very fondly sitting in the floor and playing games with her and coloring with her when she was just 3 and 4 years old. Today she is a very beautiful former model and now a successful tatoo and graphic artist. Got to love 'em.  OK a bit off subject of Playing Solitaire but seeing that pic of you and Charlie brought back some great memories and how proud I am of here now. Here are some pics to bore y'all even more. 







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I agree with "Welcome back Greg F. Your daughter is adorable." for sure. Just a thought on being behind on a schedule. I have been playing a quarter a day which gives me 3 games in a 2 week period. Sometimes playing 2 or 3 quarters in a day really helped too in catching me up to begin season 20 just a couple of weeks late this year. Christmas should see season 20 complete on time though. Good luck. Blessings to all. 🙂 Curt

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11 minutes ago, Curt said:

I have been playing a quarter a day

I play a half one day and the second half the next day. This gives me time to think about strategy while I'm playing and adjustments between halves.

Enjoy the Journey    T43.    🏈♾️

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