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For Electric Football, or Miniature Football, is the tide changing?


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Hi. I went looking for the Miniature Pro Football Hall of Fame and I discovered that the last entry was in 2018 and the inductee's accomplishments remain unfinished.

I remembered the electric football/miniature football publication, Crackin' Plastic started in 2020 and I discovered by 2021 it had lapsed. This is basically what happened to the publication The Tweak which started in Summer 2007 and discontinued in 2010 with issue #15.

So, I went to the Miniature Football Coaches Association webpage, miniaturefootball.org, and the last entry is 2018, like the Hall of Fame. Furthermore, some of the links don't work and the FORUM link came up with a Deceptive Website Warning: "This website may try to trick you into doing something dangerous like installing software or disclosing personal information like passwords, phone numbers, or credit cards."

So I went to the MFCA Facebook page and it appears the page belongs to Elgin Clemons.

Going to the opposite side of the continent (from the comfort of my football room) I discovered the Tournament of Champions (TOC) web page was last updated on November 19, 2018 which was the last time the Tournament of Champions Rules were updated. TOC rankings contained 229 names and was last updated in 2020.

The results of the six TOC tournaments in 2022 were posted, but the 2023 dates and times remain TBD.

The California Electric Football League games and statistics for 2022 are posted, but the Upcoming Events tab doesn't have any upcoming events. The calendar is blank.

Is this the result of covid-19, or is something else happening? T43 🙄🤔



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Times have changed. Not neccesarily due to Covid. Facebook is where you will find most current info on anything to do with the game and hobby. 2018 was the last MFCA HOF Inductees. The MFCA was turned over to Elgin Clemins in 2018. It is an organization in name only though. No longer an organization that has any influnce or benefits to being a member. It does have the most followers of any EF facebook group but that doesn' t really mean a whole lot.  The TOC and MFBCS are the two main organizations for competitve play. But it is basically the same people that compete and rules are basically the same. Websites just aren't the best venues for league or tournament information any more. FB seems to be every one's way to communicate now. 

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Unfortunately, social media is the best way to lose your job in my line of work. If you make one mistake posting something, HIPPA is a witch with a B, so I decline to participate. Consequently, I miss out on a lot of content, but with the Forum keeps me satisfied. Thank goodness for the Forum!

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Hi Daryl. I don't participate in Facebook or any social media, except this Forum. Fear of missing out (FOMO) isn't really a phobia I've ever experienced. 

From what I've seen of Tournament of Champion games on Youtube the participants are running RPOs on nearly every play. Boring from my perspective. I prefer to take my good sweet time and set up plays. I get a greater sense of joy from seeing plays work the way I designed them. I also get a greater challenge from trying to figure out why the play didn't work. Striving for consistency keeps the hobby interesting for me.

Enjoy the Journey. T43 🤠


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Unfortunately, Facebook has become a necessary evil for me in order to keep up with everything that is going on in Electric Football.

FB has its pro and cons. I maintain a FB Page for the Museum and administer 3 FB Group Pages in connection with that. "The Electric Football Community", "The National Electric Football Game Museum" public group pages and "The National and International United Brotherhood of Electric Football" private group page. I am also a moderator of the "Music City EFL" private group page. Definitely keeps me busy. I also follow about 20-25 other EF related FB groups as well as several vintage toy groups which EF discussions show up on occasionally. 

Honestly, you ain't missing anything. I find this forum more informative and engaging than any of those groups. 

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4 hours ago, Greg F said:

I love watching your play designs!  Post more anytime!

Thank you. I promise to post more questions about plays in the future. Very cute daughter. I bet she's your biggest fan. Enjoy the Journey. T43

Edited by Terry43
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Hi. Love the Forum but I've encountered two problems.  1. The Contact button has a 404 message.   2. When I try to LIKE an entry I get this message: 

Sorry, you cannot add any more reactions today.



Could I please add more reactions?   Thank you, T43 🏈

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3 hours ago, Daryl Collins said:

That little girl’s dad needs to invest in boyfriend defense classes! Trust me, I’ve been there. She’s 27 now and fortunately found the right fella early. If my first grandchild is a girl, I’m probably gonna end up in prison. Thank goodness I have EF to calm my nerves.

I agree!  It’ll be money well spent!  😂

She is my first.  I’m an older Dad.   I love every second with her!

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I do not do social media of any kind as I am severely technology challenged but I wonder when she learns electric football [yet?] what your 1st defeat will feel like. My wife and I tried everything under the sun but could not have kids, so we became foster parents. Our oldest girl aged 7 loved to play with me until she was placed with extended family out of state. 😞 The first game I lost to her was a heartbreaker. One last item, not related to EF, I have to quote my college anthropology professor, Boys are easy as you only have 1 boy in town to worry about. Girls are much harder because you have every boy in town to worry about. 🙂 Back on track. But it is true that EF calms the nerves. I love this forum and the EF community. It is very therapeutic having these connections. Blessings to all, Curt

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