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Reinforcing the Plant Leg for TTQBs

Paul Kian

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Hi all,

I was going to post this in the Figures section, but since it relates more to kicking and passing I figured this would be a better section. Please let me know if I should repost somewhere else.

For pretext, I was reading a few online posts about coaches reinforcing the TTQBs back plant foot (the non kicking one) around the ankle area, as that's where they tend to snap off. I actually just did that to one of my TTQBs this morning. 😞 On the bright side, it gives me a perfect excuse to order a half dozen more. 😁

However, despite all the forum posts, I never actually saw anyone talk about how well it worked or whether it affects kicking motion, as it was typically more geared towards passing. If anyone has any experience with doing this, how well did it work, what did you use, and does it require any work around for kicking vs. passing.



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NO Dave provided the following tips, which I figured should be posted here as well. If you have any more, please keep 'em coming! Thanks again to NO Dave:


Before I paint, the first thing I do to TTQB's is apply a drop of Crazy Glue to the fixed leg ankle. It helps a lot. 

If you are truly feeling ambitious, try the following:

Take a small straight pin and heat it. Once it's heated, stick the pin up through the bottom of the plastic under the shoe, attempting to get the heated metal up to around the ankle. Cut off the remaining pin from the bottom with a set of diagonal cutters. 

I had one of these work for me and that TTQB worked without fail for around 15 years. It was a spectacular kicker. 

The plastic used on TTQB's is polystyrene, which is what allows the TTQB to work well, but there's a lot of room for breaking. 

You can also use a drop of rubber cement with your drop of Crazy Glue. When the glue bonds and the cement cures (after about a day) you will have a very strong ankle.

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