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Base weighting


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What is the max amount of weight most leagues will let you add to your bases?

Plus as an aside is there a on field penalty you can call if you feel your opponent has weighted their bases to much and what does that penalty look like yards wise and or player ejection type of thing?

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4.0 oz. is the most I have seen allowed in league play. Some leagues have a 3.4 and some a 3.6.  In league play the figure and base is weighed before any game action begins.  This makes sure nobody has an advantage weight wise.  Some leagues don't allow putty or lead tape under a base.  For a Solitaire league you make your own rules or use a specific set of rules that you might consider some modifications.  Where rules are concerned I am for every rule that makes the EF game action more like real football. 

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In our league (757-EFL) we play 3.3 grams and under. The maximum weight for a player (figure + base= player) is 3.3 grams. We are not allowed to add weight of any kind to build up other players to the maximum weight limit. For example... though our league plays at 3.3 grams the heaviest player on my team was 3.1 grams and the average weight on my entire team was 2.7 grams. The formula for getting the average weight of your team is... (add the weight of your entire team, then divide it by the number of players). The reason we don't add putty or lead tape to our players, is that every player SHOULD NOT weigh the same across the board, nor should they all be at the maximum weight limit. The maximum weight limit is reserved for your heaviest figures on your heaviest bases. Linemen should not be the same weight, as your Wide Receivers, RBs, or DBs. Every player should be at their natural weight, whatever that weight happens to be, and as long as it's 3.3 grams or less.

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Most weight I've added to a figure - 10 grams. I used a ProLine Strong Rookie base and put fishing line sinkers (the coned ones) underneath, held on by a little bit of Fun-Tak. Yes, the player still moves straight, and he's fairly agile. 

Lead tape for golf clubs also works well, as does little nuts for machine screws. 

We use the standard 4g weight for our weighted league. 

However, for my 67 Big Men League, I wanted to try something different. So now, I have a league where each team (A set roster of 24 players) has a combined weight total of 100 grams. So now you can distribute the weight as you want between all your players. I do include the TTQB as a kicker on my roster, so he gets some weight too. 

If you want a 6g defensive tackle who will command double teams every play - Do it! 

If you want a 6g receiver who is a beast to cover - Do it!

 I can't take credit for inventing the system, but it does lead to a lot of different nuances in strategy and game play. Try it and see! 


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The key to adding weight factors into the player and the base used. If the player is unbalanced because of added weight, he will not perform as well. 

As far as penalties for excessive weight, we would weigh each player on a team before the start of the game. If the player is overweight, the coach has two options - 

1. Immediately correct the weight issue on the figure by removing some of the weight and bring the figure into compliance.

2. The figure would not be allowed in the game. 

If a figure is thought to be overweight during a game, the coach can ask the referee to weigh a player. However, this counts as a challenge for the coach, and he gets a challenge taken away. 

Edited by NO Dave
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Thanks again for all the great advice and gives me confidence that I have been doing pretty much what the rest of you are doing.

I to have been varying all the weights of my players to take into account rookies and such and to make each player more realistic to the stats that are listed on their football cards I collect.

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I still have to say, if you want to put weight on or under a base, nothing stands up like the Tudor Pro Line bases. Yes, they are on the tougher side to tweak, but the prongs are strong, and hold up really well to added weight. Try and see, adding weight to the base may also help the figure run a bit better. 

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