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Greg F

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Everything posted by Greg F

  1. As a kid, I used the “backer” figure as a WR because it was the biggest target. I used the “all-purpose” figure as a Tackle. I know it doesn’t matter if I’m doing a solitaire league, but are there rules in competitive play events?
  2. Which number decals are best if I want to change them every year? I’m wanting to keep my teams updated without pulling off the paint
  3. Does anyone have any storage advice? I’m going to have all NFL teams white and dark by the time I’m through. Looking for basic or unique ways to store them. Thanks! Greg
  4. The Saints should wear those as alternate helmets this year
  5. I had a solitaire league for 10 years when I was a kid. Thinking very seriously about buying an ultimate board and resuming it. Any suggestions on boards, players and rules are would be appreciated. 🙂
  6. I played electric football as a kid. I was excited to find the Tudor games website. I am very interested in getting into the community and seeing if I would like the tournaments. Does anyone know of any players in the Nashville/Middle Tn area that could help. I played mostly solitaire as a kid, so I've never really done competition. I'll have to learn all the strategy. Thanks!
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