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More info about passing sticks?

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I've generally preferred to play with passing sticks, as they really help move the game along, and know the basics.  Coach Shawn posted a few the likes of which I've never seen before...would love to know more about those, as well.


Anybody else have any good input on making a new set of passing sticks?

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Set the sticks to the scale of your field.  The red/white stick should be 40 yds long.  The red stick should be 6 yds long.  The white stick should be 12 yds long.  The Blue stick should be 18 yds long.  You can make the sticks to your specifications.  You can make the sticks from dowl sticks from Walmart craft aisle.  Others may have better ideas.

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I added a few twists to the sticks in my games. I have 2 different size targets. One is skinny, like the down marker. This is for short passes. The other is wider and is made of rubber. It is used for medium and long passes and can move sometimes. Nothing like having your man go straight to the marker and have the marker slide away from him. I attribute it to the wind. There are also 2 other things I like to do. One is bullet passes and are used when the offense is inside the 10 yard line. Basically, you can throw it to a receiver in the end zone by placing him on a magnet or a piece of cloth so that he doesn't move. Defenders can be turned toward him. Then I run the board for 1 second. I close my eyes and go "One thousand one" then shut it off. If a defender touches the player, it's incomplete. If a defender stops directly in between the receiver and quarterback and is within 5 yards of the receiver, it's intercepted. If neither of these things happen, then it's a completion. 

The other thing I do is comeback passes. I place the skinny target the short stick distance away from the receiver directly towards the QB, like he is running back to the ball. If he hits the target first, then I place him on the other side of the magnet so he loses a couple of yards or so, like his momentum would do. Those few extra yards can make the difference between him getting a first down or not if he's tackled short of it. They have added some fun and options for passing. 

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