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How about us starting a 50+ Club with maybe a logo, patch, symbol etc. for everyone who has played Electric Football for 50 years or more? It could be worn on jerseys, hats, T-shirts, placed on a custom field, etc. much like the NFL's Man of the Year Award that players wear on their uniform. We'll have a much different design, of course but it could be a great group to be a part of and quite a proud "badge of honor" for this group who have played the game so long. I'll contact my son and/or Weirdwolf who are great at designing things when I think up a new idea. Maybe call it the EF50 Award or something.....just thinking (or typing) out loud here.

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Shameless Plug:  I will indeed be creating a quality cloth patch that can be proudly worn on a jersey, hat, etc. along with other merch for this exclusive and honorable club. We should be proud of our 50 years of playing electric football! Maybe even get a ring created!? This patch can also be added to a custom field cover! Whoo hoo! The ideas keep coming for this EF50 gig! 🙂

If you have played electric football for 50 years or more, please list your name here and the year you started. Number each entry so we can see how many we have who are still with us. I think we should have an annual meeting at a nice hotel, restaurant, etc. or maybe we could dove tail our group into an existing Tudor tournament or sumpn like dat! 


1. GreenBayGlenn         1966

Edited by GreenBayGlenn
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12 hours ago, GreenBayGlenn said:

You'll be able to receive any EF50 merch via mail!

Curt, Not to worry about traveling. I believe this is a sales pitch.

1 hour ago, Curt said:

I would need to find numbers for my Texas Thunderducks?

The Thunderducks wouldn't be the same with numbers. You created a system and that's beautiful.

The beauty of solitaire electric football is that we can make up the rules and we're not accountable to anyone in Texas, or any other state (except our loving wives and the Lord above).

Enjoy the Journey.  T43.   🏈♾️

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Hey, no need to even worry about any of that stuff. This is just a proposed "designation" right now. Just a way to recognize us 50+ players out there. We don't even have to have a league or even play games. Just an ID thang right now. Kind of like getting that "I Voted!" sticker you can wear with pride after you vote! LOL 

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Exercise was a regular thing after my heart surgery until COVID-19 closed the gym. 😞 Being busy all the time makes exercising difficult plus warehousing / retail keeps me moving a lot and tired at the end of the day. So that is my exercise regimen. Still, my A1C numbers are good. My doctor likes 7-ish. My last 3 = 7.4, 7.3, and 6.5 baby. I think I'll play EF forever. God put me on earth to achieve a certain number of things and I'm so far behind, I'll never die. 🙂 

Sometimes it is hard to sleep, especially with EF on my mind. Just an ID thing is cool with me. Here's a funny for you. If the picture was clear enough, I have an "I Voted" sticker on each side of my EF briefcase for each of my seasons featuring all my teams. This election year will complete that number too. They help me remember how many seasons I've played. Silly. Right?

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GBG, count me in.  First played EF in 1965 on a friend's board, but started my league officially in 1966, which I count as the starting point for me.  Looks like we started about the same time...🙂


1. GreenBayGlenn         1966

2. Curt                            1973

3. RickLM30                  1966


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On 10/12/2024 at 8:54 AM, Curt said:

Interesting idea. Regrettably, travel is not in my budget but I do qualify for the "Geezer Gang". Keep those thoughts rolling though. You have many good ones.


1. GreenBayGlenn         1966

2. Curt                            1973


4 hours ago, RickLM30 said:

GBG, count me in.  First played EF in 1965 on a friend's board, but started my league officially in 1966, which I count as the starting point for me.  Looks like we started about the same time...🙂


1. GreenBayGlenn         1966

2. Curt                            1973

3. RickLM30                  1966


That's cool Rick! Even more cool is that I have a brother named Rick! 

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Count me in too. I started in 1972 with a 635 Packers vs Bears that my parents bought me for Christmas. Although I don't have the original any more, I did pick up the exact same board complete in mint condition last year. Oh the memories!

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Count me in. I got my first game Christmas 1968. I still have it. 49ers vs the Bears. I think my parents got it at Sears. it was supposed to come with the Cardinals and Bears but it had the 49ers instead of the Cardinals. The game still works. I have a 620 board that I play on but I will get the old board out and play on it occasionally. 

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