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Hey Guys. So, Kyle Nutt just finished up a request of mine. Basically, I asked him if he could use 67 Bigmen for all of the lineman from the 82 Redskins (greatest team in the history of sports BTW), and use Beenutt figures for the LB's, FB's, and TE's. The skilled position players are all Haiti Repros which is all supposed to add up to a lifelike realism in terms of size. 


Another painter couldn't do it right, but when I asked Kyle, he was not only willing, but also willing and I might add a joy to work with. 


Here are some pics of the skins and their arch rivals (sorry, we're still not allowed to say their names in our house 😜)


Kyle absolutely crushed it...




(I'll have to work on getting a few better pics than this to do him justice, lol)





Edited by BlueHen
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22 hours ago, Daryl Collins said:

Ok… I’m having palpitations here! My gosh! That is absolutely gorgeous!!

Journey On!

😂 to palpitations


Coach, my photography isn't on par with Kyles painting skills, that's obvious. However, let me post one more set of pics here so that way you can see better detail on the helmets with the side profile, but also something our friend coach Terry calls: "Theater for the Mind" which is just a fancy way of talking about the size difference of the players....

In these pics here from left to right I have (for Big "D") FB Darryl Johnston who is a Beenutt, DE "Too Tall" Jones who's a 67 Big Man, and DB Cliff Harris who's a normal Haiti repro..

For the Skins, it's beloved Kick returner Mike Nelms in Haiti Repro, Defensive end and sack extraordinare Dexter Manley, and RB (a.k.a. The Diesel) John Riggins who's a Beenutt.





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Wow, nice pics remind me of the old, old, yearly feud. [ Here are some pics of the skins and their archrivals (sorry, we're still not allowed to say their names in our house 😜) ] As my wife's family heritage is full blooded Cherokee, there is no offense taken with the Redskin name. Every Thanksgiving, they would be here in Texas Stadium wearing their yellow pants. 
In the early 70's and the freezing cold that Turkey Day, [Now understand I don't like to see anyone get hurt.] the boys were trailing but semi-fortuitously for them, Roger Staubach got hurt and Clint "The Mad Bomber" Longley orchestrated one impressive comeback win. He got in trouble for giving home team fans what they wanted instead of following coach's directions. I think he was even dismissed over that, but it is what it is. 
I'm not the biggest DC fan, liking the Houston Texans myself. My two favorite teams however are in honor of my two favorite uncles. They are the San Francisco 49ers and also the Detroit Lions. Wouldn't it have been hilarious if it were the "Palefaces" hosting the "Redskins"? Still, being there felt like being part of history. Anyway, I ramble too much. Again, great pics, thanks for sharing them. Blessings to all, Curt. 🙂 

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On 4/1/2024 at 8:44 PM, Curt said:

Wow, nice pics remind me of the old, old, yearly feud. [ Here are some pics of the skins and their archrivals (sorry, we're still not allowed to say their names in our house 😜) ] As my wife's family heritage is full blooded Cherokee, there is no offense taken with the Redskin name. Every Thanksgiving, they would be here in Texas Stadium wearing their yellow pants. 
In the early 70's and the freezing cold that Turkey Day, [Now understand I don't like to see anyone get hurt.] the boys were trailing but semi-fortuitously for them, Roger Staubach got hurt and Clint "The Mad Bomber" Longley orchestrated one impressive comeback win. He got in trouble for giving home team fans what they wanted instead of following coach's directions. I think he was even dismissed over that, but it is what it is. 
I'm not the biggest DC fan, liking the Houston Texans myself. My two favorite teams however are in honor of my two favorite uncles. They are the San Francisco 49ers and also the Detroit Lions. Wouldn't it have been hilarious if it were the "Palefaces" hosting the "Redskins"? Still, being there felt like being part of history. Anyway, I ramble too much. Again, great pics, thanks for sharing them. Blessings to all, Curt. 🙂 

Curt, life is funny isn't it? When I was in High School, my best friend was a Cowboys fan, LOL. So, this is when we were freshman, and the Cowboys had that 1-15 record. Now, you would think that as a Redskins fan I would've been happy about that right? To my surprise, I discovered it was kind of sad and disappointing.

It was learning experience for me because it occurred to me that in order to truly have a great rivalry like the Boys and Skins had, your arch rival has to be someone who is successful and that you respect. This was the first time I had an inkling that deep down I kind of liked them, but of course I had to keep it a secret, LOL.

Anyways, I stopped watching the NFL years ago because of the amount of money going on and the style of play, and of course how the game has become so politicized. Since the Redskins have gone extinct, the only team I'd consider rooting for (if I was into it still) is the Dallas Cowboys.

The only team whose name I won't utter is that new team in D.C. (don't even wanna' get started on that one, LOL). 

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Oh my goodness Bluehen, you have inspired many musings. This is going to take a while to compose. I create rough drafts in Notebook prior to copying them into forum. This is for clarity, keeping on topic as much as possible without rambling, and doing my best not to ruffle feathers. While making sure forum guidelines are followed, I may not be able to meet my other objectives. I'll be as clear as possible. I'll stay on topic and be as concise as possible. I may however ruffle the feathers of those who like what the NFL has grown into as like you, I'm not thrilled with the way some things are done, but this is going to take me a while [having been through 3 strokes, my thought processes are not the greatest, sorry] so it may actually be tomorrow before I have a "real" response for you. There is nothing to fear as again, I will definitely follow forum policies in posting comments [I'm not a rule-breaker 🙂 ], but you have inspired some of my more somewhat controversial thoughts which normally do not see the light of day but are way too much "fun" not to share. Blessings, Curt

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Ok, time to ramble 🙂 Let's get this party started. Oh boy did the thoughts start flying when I read this. Ok, first quote: "In order to truly have a great rivalry like the Boys and Skins had, your archrival has to be someone who is successful and that you respect. Agreed, the boys back then were successful but respected? Maybe by many but not really much by me. Ok, the feather rustling has begun?
Since the company my dad worked for had season tickets. I was lucky enough to go to many games, so I got a good look at things that were really going on down in the Lone Star State. Mind you I was just a kid, so all I knew was WIN, WIN, and Win again. So, like that Turkey Day in absolutely miserable winter weather, significantly trailing Washington, I easily got ticked off when Dallas would execute a run play for maybe a couple of yards if lucky. I was thinking, "Here we are suffering out here in the elements and you're not even trying to win". Apologies for ruffling more feathers but I was happy to see Clint Longley take over and give the crowd what they wanted, expected, and even deserved for spending the money and braving the elements etc. which was a win. Even the cold went away because the excitement skyrocketed over it. 
There were several other games I attended that were similar. Like in some pre-season games, I guess coaches were there watching how the team was executing plays but not orchestrating any attempts to really win a game. The most disappointing of all was a pre-season game against the Raiders. I think that silver and black looks tough and they proved it. Oakland destroyed us cuz we were wimping out with little run plays and I was thinking to myself "for God's sake throw the ball and try to win this game." I think I quit going after that actually because by that point I had lost at least some interest for the team even though I still respect and honor the success Tom Landry had overall. One more note on success before moving on to my next Bluehen quote.
The success of the DC was them playing together as a solid team but there was one obstacle they could not overcome, the Superbowl's against Terry Bradshaw's Pittsburgh Steelers. They would make it just so far as the very end of the season but never captured that trophy. I remember John Madden used to predict who would win if certain teams would play each other. I like to wonder how Joe Montana's SF 49ers would have fared against TB's PS.
Ok, quote #2: "I stopped watching the NFL years ago because of the amount of money going on and the style of play, and of course how the game has become so politicized." Hmm, the money thing. Dad took my brother and me to watch our favorite teams play whoever our "then at home" teams were. If ever it should become possible, I would love to take my nephew to a DC game when his favorite Seattle Seahawks visit. However, nose bleed seats with nose bleed parking is way too expensive. DC needs to lose Mr. Jones for starters. I mean Jimmy Johnson gave him 2 superbowls and still Jerry is clueless how to really run a football team. Oh, and then the cost of everything needs to come way down. Let some other way be found to finance player salaries and the like. 
I don't watch NFL any more myself. In fact you could say it is my dislike of some things in the NFL that influence how I run my EF Solitaire league. I have all the NFL teams in my solitaire league, making it as large as possible to achieve the goals of having an even number of home and away games for each team and to complete a season in a calendar year. Collecting all the college teams would not allow me to do that. I've got better things to do than watch millionaires play games, the whiny babies. One player complained about his need for a 15 million salary and then ends up giving one of his worst seasons ever. That's just one example. I'm sorry, no athletes need to have drug habits supported and easier penalties when laws are broken. Whether they want it or not, professional athletes are role models and many NFL players in my opinion should be given stricter penalties for things because they are role models. Now everything here is my opinion so apologies for that but I'm really getting irritated. Let me calm down a bit take a look at the NFL league itself.
I never liked OT rules. Even with first TD being a winner instead of first score, it still leaves a possible win being left to a coin toss. I've seen a kickoff returned for a touchdown and thus a win. The other team worked so hard to match their opponent's efforts to have the game just snuffed out from one lucky kick return. Each team should have at least a chance to win which is why my OT's require one drive per team. Then come NFL team schedules.
There was a day when teams that did better had harder schedules and the lower teams had easier schedules. The teams that didn't do so well also were given 1st round draft picks but now they are bartered with other arrangements that I remember actually worked to try and balance things out for teams. I would not allow "performance privileges" to be altered. You don't do so well, you get 1st round opportunity to improve things, no changes, end of my story. But as Bluehen alluded to, money is one of the influences that spoiled all that for me.
So how does all this relate to EF? There are too many college teams to create a desired league the way I want. My league is centered around what I consider the really good old days of the NFL so this may be the 1 time for being only semi sorry about what are my opinions. Apologies if there are probably lots of feathers that have been ruffled. The NFL teams make a perfect sized league for my EF Solitaire but in most things NFL for me now, as BB King sang, "The Thrill is Gone", so, instead of watching football, I play it, my way. Or, as I once said, My game, My rules, My weirdness 🙂 Blessings, Curt 🙂 

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On 4/5/2024 at 3:56 PM, Curt said:

Ok, time to ramble 🙂 Let's get this party started. Oh boy did the thoughts start flying when I read this. Ok, first quote: "In order to truly have a great rivalry like the Boys and Skins had, your archrival has to be someone who is successful and that you respect. Agreed, the boys back then were successful but respected? Maybe by many but not really much by me. Ok, the feather rustling has begun?
Since the company my dad worked for had season tickets. I was lucky enough to go to many games, so I got a good look at things that were really going on down in the Lone Star State. Mind you I was just a kid, so all I knew was WIN, WIN, and Win again. So, like that Turkey Day in absolutely miserable winter weather, significantly trailing Washington, I easily got ticked off when Dallas would execute a run play for maybe a couple of yards if lucky. I was thinking, "Here we are suffering out here in the elements and you're not even trying to win". Apologies for ruffling more feathers but I was happy to see Clint Longley take over and give the crowd what they wanted, expected, and even deserved for spending the money and braving the elements etc. which was a win. Even the cold went away because the excitement skyrocketed over it. 
There were several other games I attended that were similar. Like in some pre-season games, I guess coaches were there watching how the team was executing plays but not orchestrating any attempts to really win a game. The most disappointing of all was a pre-season game against the Raiders. I think that silver and black looks tough and they proved it. Oakland destroyed us cuz we were wimping out with little run plays and I was thinking to myself "for God's sake throw the ball and try to win this game." I think I quit going after that actually because by that point I had lost at least some interest for the team even though I still respect and honor the success Tom Landry had overall. One more note on success before moving on to my next Bluehen quote.
The success of the DC was them playing together as a solid team but there was one obstacle they could not overcome, the Superbowl's against Terry Bradshaw's Pittsburgh Steelers. They would make it just so far as the very end of the season but never captured that trophy. I remember John Madden used to predict who would win if certain teams would play each other. I like to wonder how Joe Montana's SF 49ers would have fared against TB's PS.
Ok, quote #2: "I stopped watching the NFL years ago because of the amount of money going on and the style of play, and of course how the game has become so politicized." Hmm, the money thing. Dad took my brother and me to watch our favorite teams play whoever our "then at home" teams were. If ever it should become possible, I would love to take my nephew to a DC game when his favorite Seattle Seahawks visit. However, nose bleed seats with nose bleed parking is way too expensive. DC needs to lose Mr. Jones for starters. I mean Jimmy Johnson gave him 2 superbowls and still Jerry is clueless how to really run a football team. Oh, and then the cost of everything needs to come way down. Let some other way be found to finance player salaries and the like. 
I don't watch NFL any more myself. In fact you could say it is my dislike of some things in the NFL that influence how I run my EF Solitaire league. I have all the NFL teams in my solitaire league, making it as large as possible to achieve the goals of having an even number of home and away games for each team and to complete a season in a calendar year. Collecting all the college teams would not allow me to do that. I've got better things to do than watch millionaires play games, the whiny babies. One player complained about his need for a 15 million salary and then ends up giving one of his worst seasons ever. That's just one example. I'm sorry, no athletes need to have drug habits supported and easier penalties when laws are broken. Whether they want it or not, professional athletes are role models and many NFL players in my opinion should be given stricter penalties for things because they are role models. Now everything here is my opinion so apologies for that but I'm really getting irritated. Let me calm down a bit take a look at the NFL league itself.
I never liked OT rules. Even with first TD being a winner instead of first score, it still leaves a possible win being left to a coin toss. I've seen a kickoff returned for a touchdown and thus a win. The other team worked so hard to match their opponent's efforts to have the game just snuffed out from one lucky kick return. Each team should have at least a chance to win which is why my OT's require one drive per team. Then come NFL team schedules.
There was a day when teams that did better had harder schedules and the lower teams had easier schedules. The teams that didn't do so well also were given 1st round draft picks but now they are bartered with other arrangements that I remember actually worked to try and balance things out for teams. I would not allow "performance privileges" to be altered. You don't do so well, you get 1st round opportunity to improve things, no changes, end of my story. But as Bluehen alluded to, money is one of the influences that spoiled all that for me.
So how does all this relate to EF? There are too many college teams to create a desired league the way I want. My league is centered around what I consider the really good old days of the NFL so this may be the 1 time for being only semi sorry about what are my opinions. Apologies if there are probably lots of feathers that have been ruffled. The NFL teams make a perfect sized league for my EF Solitaire but in most things NFL for me now, as BB King sang, "The Thrill is Gone", so, instead of watching football, I play it, my way. Or, as I once said, My game, My rules, My weirdness 🙂 Blessings, Curt 🙂 

Wow! Great stuff Coach...

No, you didn't really ruffle even my smallest feather there. 🤣

There's a LOT more we could say, but as you mentioned, there's forum rules we need to respect since this website is mainly dedicated to EF football. That being said, I think it's OK to make some statements of fact from time to time since the EF game is inspired by the real life version. Perhaps we could create a different thread about the darker side of pro sports, or if not, just talk about it using personal emails. 

Anyways, it's refreshing at the very least to know there's other Men who think with a logical mind out there. Someday, we'll have to talk about our most favorite moments and plays instead of all this crazy stuff. 🤠

Blessings to you,



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Electric football, by and large is special to most of us because of our childhoods. The Cowboys /Redskins game on Thanksgiving Day, way back when, with Clint Longly, (sic?), is so vivid of a memory because my dad and I were watching together. That is a super great childhood moment for me! The worth we attach to this game runs so deep in most of us, that the respect we have and show for one another, particularly on this Forum, is what makes our community so unique. 
It is a privilege to back and forth with you great coaches. I’ll never take that for granted.

Journey On!

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Well said Gentle-Dudes. No need for the Dark Side on the football force but anyone is welcome anytime to e-mail me using the private e-mail link at the top any time for any reason.

I have many father-son football moments actually but like being there at Texas Stadium that one day, dad took me to see my favorite 49ers play the Bills and of course they got whooped but you know what was historically kewl about that game. I got to see O.J's heyday, in person. 🙂 

And that influences how I operate my EF league. I strictly have the Fab Five figures without numbers, so I don't play Bart Starr or Brett Favre for my Packers or any particular one person for any team. I differentiate, as weird [My Weirdness!!!!!] as it may sound, using figure type and skin tone to determine who serves where on any given play. 

And last, going all out college teams would not allow me my desired even number of home and away games for each team and completing a schedule within a calendar year, so my EF league is all NFL. Blessings Curt 🙂 

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On 4/7/2024 at 1:26 PM, Curt said:

Well said Gentle-Dudes. No need for the Dark Side on the football force but anyone is welcome anytime to e-mail me using the private e-mail link at the top any time for any reason.

I have many father-son football moments actually but like being there at Texas Stadium that one day, dad took me to see my favorite 49ers play the Bills and of course they got whooped but you know what was historically kewl about that game. I got to see O.J's heyday, in person. 🙂 

And that influences how I operate my EF league. I strictly have the Fab Five figures without numbers, so I don't play Bart Starr or Brett Favre for my Packers or any particular one person for any team. I differentiate, as weird [My Weirdness!!!!!] as it may sound, using figure type and skin tone to determine who serves where on any given play. 

And last, going all out college teams would not allow me my desired even number of home and away games for each team and completing a schedule within a calendar year, so my EF league is all NFL. Blessings Curt 🙂 

OK Coach. Here are a couple of positive plays from the Skins back in their heyday. These two may (or may not) rank as the two greatest plays in Redskins franchise history, and it's stuff like this that I think draws people to EF football in the first place, lol. They were so significant in helping the team win such a big game, that I can tell you almost exactly the spot I was in when it happened. And like you say, there was a real father-son moment with the Riggins run as I was 8 at the time and can still remember the joy we both experienced. It was truly epic. Check it out:




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On 4/11/2024 at 8:40 PM, BlueHen said:

OK Coach. Here are a couple of positive plays from the Skins back in their heyday. These two may (or may not) rank as the two greatest plays in Redskins franchise history, and it's stuff like this that I think draws people to EF football in the first place, lol. They were so significant in helping the team win such a big game, that I can tell you almost exactly the spot I was in when it happened. And like you say, there was a real father-son moment with the Riggins run as I was 8 at the time and can still remember the joy we both experienced. It was truly epic. Check it out:



Riggins is the man!

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