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NFL painted teams

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Hello guys.


Following Tudor's last post (football figures walking on Abbey Road), are we going to see Tudor's NFL painted teams back in stock soon? And if so, when (approx.)? If you have some news to share, please let us know for those players/collectors who are really not good to customize or paint (like me LOL!!). Have a great football day and chat to you soon.



Benster from north of the border.

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I rather think they underestimated the response to custom paints. I have already received my home Packers and they look phenomenal! Expecting my away Giants any day now and I am beyond stoked! Both these teams are in PAC12 figures. I plan on ordering more as my mad money allows, but I noticed where there was a limit to 6 teams per order. 6 teams! Really!?! Someone out there has infinitely more mad money than I!😂 

I think once the holidays wind down, there will be more product available. I already have plans for the Immaculate Reception teams and probably whoever ends up in this years Super Bowl. It’s like I posted earlier, I want my custom paints to represent something special. I want it to be an event. For whatever reason, that seems to keep the magic going. 

Journey On!

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