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My take on ball on base passing for solitaire play


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He always has an interesting take on whatever topic he explores.

I think FAT8 did a video a few years back with ball on base passing but AEFL has expanded this by creating the passing angles based on QB and receiver position.  Once again his focus is on consistent and quick application of a rule.  By having the set angles and positioning of the ball on base it eliminates the pondering of where to place the ball on base.

While I don’t think it is for me it is still fun to see the innovations and I get inspired with new thoughts if my own.

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5 hours ago, Coach Shawn said:

While I don’t think it is for me it is still fun to see the innovations and I get inspired with new thoughts if my own.

Agreed it is fun. My rules are closer to AEFL rules and that gives me that, "I do that," feeling. On-the-other-hand my rules are very, very distant from FAT8 rules but I can see the FAT8 are trying to make little plastic men behave like real football players and that's laudable.

Enjoy the Journey  T43 🏈♾️

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Terry, Shawn, thank you so much for your feedback and kind words. One of the great things about this hobby is that it allows a great deal of creativity.  I have learned so much in the last year by watching and reading how others play the game. The FAT8 zone passing scheme inspired me with his ball on base method, I just went in a little different direction to match how I like to play solitaire. I also watched a video from a guy named Bruce Tripp who had designed some transparent game pieces that he uses with(I think )a dice passing system. I am glad you like the videos, I enjoy making them. I am hoping to contribute in any way I can!

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17 hours ago, Carl said:

I also watched a video from a guy named Bruce Tripp who had designed some transparent game pieces that he uses with(I think )a dice passing system.

Thanks for the tip about the Bruce Tripp video. I watched this video:

Is this video the same video you watched? I noticed in the comments someone asked how many dice Bruce and his buddy use and I didn't hear or see an answer to that question. Maybe there's a part 2 video that I didn't. find.

I love the CFL theme! 🇨🇦

I wonder if relying on statistics to make the Electric Football game resemble the NFL (or CFL) is a reasonable approach? I prefer just to play electric football and let the statistics build as they will. 😃

Enjoy the Journey   T43 🏈♾️

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6 hours ago, Terry43 said:

Thanks for the tip about the Bruce Tripp video. I watched this video:

Is this video the same video you watched? I noticed in the comments someone asked how many dice Bruce and his buddy use and I didn't hear or see an answer to that question. Maybe there's a part 2 video that I didn't. find.

I love the CFL theme! 🇨🇦

I wonder if relying on statistics to make the Electric Football game resemble the NFL (or CFL) is a reasonable approach? I prefer just to play electric football and let the statistics build as they will. 😃

Enjoy the Journey   T43 🏈♾️

Hey Terry, Bruce actually does have 2 videos on his method and I just looked at it again, checked out the comments and he replied that he uses 2, 10 sided dice. I’m with you, using stats to guide the game is not the way I choose to go. However some folks enjoy playing that way.

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