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Oughtin' Otters Come From Behind to Win


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Hi. The Oughtin' Otters suffered a safety and a pick-six in the First Half and were lucky to be down 30 to 15 at Half Time. They attempted 5 passes in the First Half. The first pass resulted in a 4 yards loss, the second was a QB Sack, the third was a Pick-Six, and the fifth was incomplete. However, This was a tale of two halves. The Otters attempted 3 passes in the Second Half and two were complete for 97 yards. One of the completions is on the attached video.



The defending Fruit Bowl Champion Sirens of Titan attempted 5 passes in the Second Half and completed only one pass for 40 yards. Two of the incompletions are on the attached video. Their only Second Half Touchdown came on a Kick Off returned for a T.D.

The Final Score was Oughtin' Otters 43, Sirens of Titan 37.

Enjoy the Journey T43 🏈♾️

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In the Otters vs Sirens game I used instant replay to reverse two plays. The first clip is a 20 yard gain that became a 10 yard loss. In the second clip I called back a touchdown. I guess that will always be a tough call. 🧐



The third clip is an enigma. It's a crucial 2-point PAT and in the replay the front of #39's base has stopped moving forward*. HOWEVER, the back of #39's base is still moving forward. Then #39 gets popped by a Siren and #39 squirts out of the tackle for two yards and the successful PAT.

The call on the field was good and I just didn't see enough video evidence to reverse the call. Any thoughts?

Enjoy the Journey T43 🏈♾️

* I use Stop Forward Progress Tackling.

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The first round of 31st Season is complete. This season is a double elimination tournament and features six teams that I consider to be vintage. 

The teams in the Basement are first round losers. Only one team will make it out of the Basement.


Enjoy the Journey T43 🏈♾️

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In the videos, I am amazed at your O lineman that seem to be trap blocking and going exactly where they are supposed to go! You have amazing control of your players! And wow, the speed of your guys! 

I don't know the nuances of your rules, but I'll offer an opinion with regard to the 2-point conversion. I'm thinking he was stopped. Reason being that even though the back of the base was moving forward, it hadn't reached the front of the yard mark of the bases forward progress so technically it wasn't forward progress at that point. Conversely, I can also imagine that he is executing a spin move at this point in order to get out of the tackle and if that's the case then he wouldn't be tackled. Again, I don't know the nuances of your rules.

Thanks for sharing the video, Terry! 

PS: Almost forgot to mention that I love the uniforms on these teams!

Edited by Bob Davis
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9 hours ago, Bob Davis said:

Reason being that even though the back of the base was moving forward, it hadn't reached the front of the yard mark of the bases forward progress so technically it wasn't forward progress at that point.

I agree. I got the call wrong. ☹️

If you don't mind, I'm going to add your exact wording to my existing Stop-Forward-Progress rules. It will become 1.C.iv. The discussion of Laterals on this Forum prompted me to add 1.C.ii.

With every game the nuances are getting clearer. 😃 👍

Enjoy the Journey. T43 🏈♾️

Rules for





1A. Stopping Forward Progress

i. Forward progress is measured by the foremost part of the ball carrier’s base. At times the foremost part of the base will be a back corner. (SEE 1.C.i)

ii. Forward Progress is moving at any angle between zero and 90 degrees beyond the starting position of the ball carrier, inclusive.




      0˚ ——————— 0˚


(SEE 1B. Quarterback Dropping Back To Pass for exception.)


iii. Starting position is the place where the ball carrier is standing when the Motion Generator is turned on. (SEE 1B. Quarterback Dropping Back To Pass for exception.)

iv. The closest player when Forward Progress is stopped is credited with the tackle.

v. When the ball carrier’s teammate stops Forward Progress of the ball carrier then the ball carrier is down at the point forward progress stopped. (For further development SEE 1.C. )

vi. Crossing the boundary line stops the Forward Progress of the ball carrier.

vii. When the ball carrier begins to curve back toward it’s starting position when the Motion Generator is turned on, then the ball carrier has voluntarily terminated forward progress. The ball carrier is down at the point forward progress stopped.

viii. The sides of the ball carrier’s base moving lateral to the line of scrimmage is considered forward progress. (SEE 1.A.ii., i.e. 0˚ to 90˚)


1B. Quarterback Dropping Back To Pass.

i. The forward progress rule doesn’t apply to a quarterback during the drop back to pass.

a.  A sack occurs when a defensive player:

        1. makes contact with a quarterback during the drop back, and,

        2. the defensive player changes the trajectory of the quarterback, then,

        3. play stops and the quarterback may pass to an open receiver, or take the sack.

ii. A quarterback dropping back more than 20 yards from the line of scrimmage is considered sacked by the closest defender. The loss is 17 yards.

iii. When the drop back quarterback turns and begins heading toward the line of scrimmage or one of the boundaries, then the Forward Progress rule comes into effect. (See: 1.A.i. — 1.A.vii.)

1C. Teammate Stops Forward Progress

           1.A.v. expansion

i. When a ball carrier is backwards but hasn't stopped moving forward, and the ball carrier’s teammate pushes the ball carrier backwards, but the progress is forward, then forward progress is continuing until such time as Forward Progress of the ball carrier stops.

ii. When the ball carrier runs into the back of a teammate’s base and Forward Progress stops then the ball carrier has the option pitch or lateral to a previously designated player. Previous designation is determined by placing a football under the pitch or lateral receiving player's arm before the Motion Generator is turned on. This pertains to:

a. Quarterback bootlegs.

b. Sweeps.

c. Screen Passes.

iii. 1.A.v. does not apply to Quarterbacks sitting in the pocket.

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It’s always a kick to watch these. I am learning from them as well. Still trying to nail down how to spot the cessation of forward progress. I’m sure I’ve let plays go that should’ve been halted at an earlier point. It’s the pre-season until I feel more adept, but not as to kill the joy… or the journey. Thanks T!

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