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Electric Football is football perfected

Coach Shawn

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please note that I am not claiming my version of EF is “the” perfect view, the perfection comes from  Norman Sass’s invention of EF.

My view of electric football is that it allows football that is played in it’s purest form.

that is why I only have penalties that are actually committed by the figures themselves or the Coach in head to head games, such as offsides,pass interference, too many men on the field, etc.

I know a lot of coaches roll dice to introduce penalties and other random events into their games and this does give them a good simulation of actual NFL games. But for me I want to see the players decide the game as much as possible.

For solitaire games I do roll dice to determine what play the team will run.  This introduces chance that can effect the outcome but I feel that the fact that it reduces bias out weighs that.  And my goal in solitaire is to develop teams that have the diversity of skill to be successful in a wide range of plays.  Thus the team that is better at running the greater variety of play types should win most of the time.

Thanks for reading my ramble.

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Solitaire can be tricky. I read your play selection dice rolling post, and it makes sense for solitaire. 

When I played solitaire, I’d just stick with a pro-set formation on all plays except 3rd and more than 5 yards, where one of the backs in the backfield would be moved to the slot. 

I had a base defense that I set up the same for most plays, plus a defense for obvious pass plays and obvious run plays. 

Then, during the game, I would always try to make the offense (of both teams) successful. I felt all this made it pretty fair. 

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1 minute ago, zak99b5 said:

Oh--I also usually started most plays as pass plays, QB in shotgun.  But I also had a back set for a run.  If the pass wasn't there, I'd dump it to the back.  Basically an option play.

I base my decision on the QB positioning on a few items;

1.  how well does he move…is he fast enough to roll out of the pocket and avoid loopers.

2.  How good are the opponents loopers.

3.  Are you able to block out loopers.

4.  Am I trying for a short/quick pass or do I need a long/more time  pass.

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