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Star Players - How do you spotlight them?

NO Dave

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Not sure if this answers your question, but this is how I determine who gets the fastest bases in my solitaire league.  I rate all the players in my league  (NFL players on 16 teams) by position (QBs, running backs, wide receivers, tight ends, guards, tackles, centers, defensive ends, defensive tackles, middle linebackers, outside linebackers, corners, strong safeties and free safeties)  based on my arbitrary view of how each one relates to the others in their position, numbering them from 1 (the worst at the position) to the best at their position.  I then adjust their assigned number by adding the years in the NFL, 10 points for each pro-bowl year, 20 points for each all-pro year, 20 points for making the NFL's all-decade teams.  Then I combine the wide receiver, corner, and free safety lists and assign my fastest base to the highest numbered player and continue on down.  I do the same for tight ends and strong safeties, then running backs, quarterbacks , middle and outside linebackers, then guards and defensive ends, then centers, tackles, and defensive tackles.  Since i play a 16 week schedule with 16 teams and it takes me 3 weeks to play a game, I don't have to do this ranking very often.  I'm old and retired, so I have some time on my hands. 😊

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21 minutes ago, 3rdnLongFootballs said:

Where can I find your league and stats?

Hey my brother, they are posted throughout our League site with this year's they are in the forum as well.


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2 minutes ago, Long island EFL said:

We are in the middle of our season. Feel free to check it out, and we'd love to follow your league as well!  Long Island EFL! United Brotherhood of EF 4EVA!


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