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What Uni-Forms Designs Do You MOST Want to See?

TUDOR - Wyatt

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Hey Coaches,

We have been blown away by the response to the Uni-Forms Kits that we just released a few weeks ago. It seems the more people apply them the more they are realizing that these kits are an easy and excellent alternative to those who don't want to paint their own miniatures. We are now starting to gather ideas for which Uni-Forms designs Electric Football fans want most, so lets hear it! Which NFL uniforms from the past do you want to see most in miniature form. We'll be looking at this thread when it's time to start designing new Uni-Forms kits, so make your voice heard!

TUDOR Coach Wyatt


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Ok here is my list:

Old school Bucs, dark and white

Oilers, duh

Early 80s Eagles with the kely green and big stripes

Old school Pat's, double duh

Old school Broncos both colors

Old school Seahawks

White C bears

Old school Bengals

Alternate Bucs pewter

Old school Bills

70s Jets

70s dolphins

70s Vikings

Blue and white Cowboys star jerseys

White helmet Eagles

70s Falcons with red helmet

70s saints

70s Rams

If you make all these I will buy them all!

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I’m not a fan of the uni-forms idea.  Just continue providing detailed painted teams. I am an electric footballer from the early 1970’s.  Just can’t wrap my mind around DIY uniforms.  The statement, “The more you do it the better you become”, tells me that there are several people out there that have had a bad time of it.  Stop trying to go the “cheap route.  Just continue to provide quality merchandise.

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I actually prefer the painted figures and the team customized number stickers.  These make it easier for me to add names to the back of the figures. Disappointed the teams that I need are not available painted. I will not be buying anymore of the new sticker uniforms. As much time as it takes to put the sticker uniforms on, I might as well paint them myself. I already make college teams by painting my own.

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On 1/14/2022 at 3:37 PM, Ed Redeaux said:

I’m not a fan of the uni-forms idea.  Just continue providing detailed painted teams. I am an electric footballer from the early 1970’s.  Just can’t wrap my mind around DIY uniforms.  The statement, “The more you do it the better you become”, tells me that there are several people out there that have had a bad time of it.  Stop trying to go the “cheap route.  Just continue to provide quality merchandise.

Ed Redeaux,

     We appreciate your longstanding support of Electric Football, but the idea that we don't strive to provide our customers with quality products is simply not true and a bit hurtful to the people that care about Electric Football the most and are frankly doing everything they can during an unprecedented supply chain issue to keep this hobby alive and evolving.  We never strive to "go the cheap route", we are doing what we can to make sure Electric Football doesn't disappear forever into garage sales and eBay listings. I hope you can appreciate that and give the Uni-Forms an honest shot, start painting figures yourself (we will continue to provide all the needed materials to paint custom figures), or connect with fellow coaches and trade painted teams.

On 1/14/2022 at 7:05 PM, Jcolema said:

Is there any plan to fit the unis for the “Mean 13”, and other figures outside of the Tudor “Fab 5” ?


     Yes! We do have plans to release Mean 13 versions of the Uni-Forms in the future. We are going to start building up a sizable list of throwback, alternate, and color rush uniforms, then we will start working on the patterns for the Mean 13 Uni-Form sheets.

On 1/16/2022 at 8:07 PM, mikestalls3000 said:

I actually prefer the painted figures and the team customized number stickers.  These make it easier for me to add names to the back of the figures. Disappointed the teams that I need are not available painted. I will not be buying anymore of the new sticker uniforms. As much time as it takes to put the sticker uniforms on, I might as well paint them myself. I already make college teams by painting my own.


     We actually have some exciting news regarding name plates on the backs of figures that we will be announcing soon, stay tuned as this could make future projects easier for you. As for painted figures, while they are obviously more convenient, Uni-Forms provide a much more detailed and impressive end result and we simply can't get pre-painted figures from China during a global pandemic without going out of business. It's not a matter of being cheap, it's a matter of keeping our business and the hobby we love healthy and growing. That being said, we don't have any plans to abandon our painters and will continue to provide quality NFL licensed decals, paints, and brushes to those that prefer outfitting their players that way.


Here's a sneak peek at a throwback Uni-Form set I'm especially fond of. COMING SOON!




TUDOR Coach Wyatt



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On 1/27/2022 at 10:28 AM, TUDOR - Wyatt said:

we are doing what we can to make sure Electric Football doesn't disappear forever into garage sales and eBay listings

I remember the gap years between Tudor going out of business and Miggle picking up the torch. There wasn't an eBay yet and I hit a lot of garage sales, Rummage-O-Ramas, and antique stores trying to supplement my hobby. 😢 One Christmas my mother-in-law sent me an electric football game from Indiana (I lived in Utah at the time). That was one heck of a great Christmas. 😃

When I was a kid I had electric trains, slot cars, Hot Wheels (trademark of Mattel), and an electric football game. If the Micro-Mark catalog is a measure of success then the hobby of electric trains is still doing well, and I know slots cars are doing very well, but the hobby that stuck with me is electric football. Every week I play a game and have for decades. But, for a couple years the hobby died.

I don't know if Uni-forms will keep the hobby alive. Obviously, Tudor Games believes it will, and the NFL licensed the product, so I say, "Keep up the good work!"

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Just ordered a bunch of throwbacks and alternate unis.  Will you be making the following teams?

1970s Falcons

1970s Broncos

White helmet Eagles

Old school Redskins

70s Cardinals

Oilers,Oilers, Oilers!!!!!!

70s Vikings

70s Dolphins

Old schools Pat's in white

70s Bengals!!!!


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Saw all the new Uni-Forms options, and have a few questions - 

First off, gotta say the throwback Eagles and throwback Seahawks look amazing. Hope they look as good IRL as they do on the website. 

So a few questions - 

1. You have only the Home available for the Classic Eagles and Seahawks. Will we see the Away version? 

2. You released a whopping 3 alternate Uni-Forms for the Browns, Bengals, and Seahawks. Where's the love for some other teams that habitually change their uniforms, like the Falcons and the Ravens?

3. Please, please produce the Uni-Forms for the Classic Bills (Home) and Patriots (Visitor). Pretty please? (See, now it's a question)

4. Long shot - When can we look to see the new Commanders Uni-Forms hit the shelves, so to speak? 


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