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Personal Record Games...?


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Oh, my goodness Ladies and Gentle Dudes! I think I just had the most awesome game ever. I don't know if it was the game or the statistics it produced. Do y'all love statistics as much as I do? For those who know me, I try to incorporate as much randomness as possible. This letting go of as much control as possible makes it seem as if all 33 teams are really playing each other. 
You can't orchestrate or plan on these things if you let things take their own course. An outstanding example is where my San Diego Chargers, Philadelphia Eagles and Tennessee Titans all ended up in the same division 2 seasons in a row but along with that, my Eagles won that division twice.
My last entry was about blowouts just not too long ago. Now, I have a new gametime total score record to share which also has a couple of unique statistics of its own. I'm talking about record end-of-game scores. 
Way back in season 1, my Denver Broncos defeated my Pittsburgh Steelers 60 to 59 leaving the highest scoring game ever at a total of 119 points, with Denver scoring a record high 60 points. Season 10 saw my lowest scoring game ever where the Kansas City Chiefs defeated the Pittsburgh Steelers 3 to 0. Just last night, in the last round of Season 20's regular games, my Pittsburgh Steelers defeated my Kansas City Chiefs 69 to 52. 
This gives an all-new highest end-of-game score of 121 points with the Pittsburgh Steelers holding a new record high of 69 points. And while Denver has now been toppled as highest scoring team ever. Did you notice this? 
Out of 33 teams then, only 2 teams are involved in any of my record scoring games, all while trying to wind up Season 20. I couldn't ask for anything that surprising. You just can't orchestrate that with as much randomness as my games have. 
I'm 1/3 of the way through the last round of regular season games for season 20 and then come the playoffs. It is doubtful that these records are going to be broken by the end of Season 20, which is expected around Christmastime.
Without knowing how long EF will last for me, it is most likely these records will never be broken but hopefully really exciting or significant games will involve more than Pittsburgh and Kansas City, hah! Hope I didn't bore anybody and would love to hear about your record setting or most special games. Blessings, Curt. 🙂 

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