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Suggestion for Tudor

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Happy Sunday, EF community


I saw that Tudor created some refs (very nice BTW..) but i think that MIggle should created some penalties flags (on magmet) to determine the spot of the penalty. This can be done at a very low price personnaly and this can be add some more realism to the game. What do you guys think? Drop me a line on this forum or by FB so we can discuss.


Have a nice day, stay safe, and really happy to chat to you sson.


Benster from north of the border.

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Yeah it would be so cool if Tudor created and accessory pack that had penalty flags, ball marker magnets and league sanctioned training sleds and such as a kit with a decal pack of your favorite NFL team or NCAA team. I would give them my support 🙂 

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Tudor could also add to the accessory pack some passing sticks like coach Shawn created. Heck they could offer a separate electric solitaire football accessory pack which would be awesome for the start up electric football coach who is trying to find his way into this hobby and has nobody to guide him. (Sort of like myself, I would have so added that to my Patriots Superbowl game board when I put my order in. )

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