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Posts posted by Nanook

  1. the Tudor passing sticks are shorter then the Buzz ball passing sticks. With the Tudor i measure from the line of scrimmage instead of the quarterback otherwise all passes would be white stick or longer on my ultimate board. If the quarterback is between the far hashmark and far sideline from the receiver I use the next longer stick and if the pass is long I use a red plus a blue stick. By doing it this way my completion percentage is in line with the quarterbacks.of today.

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  2. This is great for my 70’s league. I have 6 nfc and 6 afc teams - packers, Vikings, rams , 49ers, cowboys, redskins, Steelers, oilers, colts, dolphins, raiders ,chiefs. I will play each division pair to get to 6 teams then use this format to get to my Super Bowl.

  3. I’m thinking of doing a packers decade tournament. I have the 65,72,83,96,09,and 19-20 teams. Not sure if I should do a round robin format or 2 divisions. An 09 vs 2019-2020 game should be interesting as Rodgers will Qb both teams.

  4. Kicking works great, in practice I have kicked a 100 yard field goal but in a game I missed a 31 yarder.works better for me then ttqb.

    kicking cards came from national electric football game museum. They work great for ball placement, I set up my players in kicking formation run my time then draw a card for ball placement. Then continue play (return or whatever).

    playing on an ultimate board I measure my passing from line of scrimmage or all passes would be white stick or longer. But if Qb is between the far hashmark and far side line from receiver I use the next longer stick. Long passes from opposite side of field I use a blue and red stick together.

    still working on my stadium and football room.

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  5. I play a 12 team 70’s NFL league. 3 divisions AFC and 3 NFC. NFC  - east-cowboys,redskins .central-packers ,Vikings. West-rams 49ers. AFC-east-colts,dolphins. Central- Steelers,oilers. West chiefs,raiders. AFC teams play each other once with each division team playing twice.division winners and one wildcard ( best record) play in playoff. NFC does same.playoff winners meet in Super Bowl. I use most of the toe pro rules but no TTQB. I use passing sticks , kicking cards for ball position. And the kicker from my NFL Showdown board game for field goals.





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  6. I would like to film my solitare league games and create a film library. Tried using my I-phone but it was to difficult to control game and film both. Thought about a gopro on a tripod but that would be a major investment. Was wondering what other cosches use to record their games

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