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Dolphins Hold Off 49ers for the Super Bowl Title

Donald Andrews

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Season one of the NSEFL (National Solitaire Electric Football League) ended with an intense defensive battle between the NFC Champions San Francisco 49ers and the AFC Champions Miami Dolphins in the Super Bowl.


After getting stopped by the 49ers defense, the Dolphins settled for a field goal but the San Francisco answered quickly with a touchdown pass from QB Joe Montana to Dwight Clark. The 49ers led 7-3 into the second half where they had an opportunity to advance their lead with another touchdown. Montana threw another pass to Clark for an easy score, however Clark would fumble the ball five yards shy of the end zone. A ball carrier that falls down during the play is ruled a fumble in the league. Miami recovers the ball and QB Dan Marino leads the offense 95 yards downfield that ends with a touchdown pass to Mark Clayton putting the Dolphins ahead 10-7 at the end of the third quarter.

Miami linebacker, Brian Cox kept Montana on the run and unable to get clear looks for open receivers which led to San Franciso going for it on 4th down late in the 4th quarter. 49ers RB Christian McCaffrey would get the ball and gallop for a first down only for the play to be nullified thanks to a holding penalty. They would try a second time for the first down, but Miami would hold them off and get the ball back. Marino this time finds WR Mark Duper in the end zone for a Miami lead of 17-7 with the Lombardi Trophy well within the Dolphins reach.

The 49ers offense would prove that even a little time is enough time to comeback. With less than a minute in the game, Montana finds WR John Taylor for a 10 yard pass that expands to an 80 yard touchdown after getting past the Miami secondary, putting San Francisco within three. The 49ers would attempt an onside kick for another shot at the ball, but the Dolphins would recover and run the clock out to capture the Super Bowl title by the score of 17-14 with Dan Marino going to Disneyworld as the MVP.








Taylor on the move.jpeg

John Taylor.jpeg



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